Use the resources listed on this page to find relevant information on topics in Politics and International Relations. They will give you access to both primary and secondary sources of information.
Past Masters, from InteLex, provides full-text access to the works of philosophers and writers. We have access to the following works on this platform:
British Philosophy: 1600-1900
The Letters of Charles Dickens: 1820-1870
Wittgenstein: Gesamtbriefwechsel / complete correspondence
This resource gathers over 50 large collections of declassified government documents on US foreign and military policy from 1945 to the present day. It includes bibliographies, glossaries, chronologies and scholarly overviews.
Gives references to journal articles, books, reviews and selected chapters in subjects including anthropology, economics, political science and sociology.
Historic House of Commons Parliamentary Papers including Command Papers; Accounts; Bills; Hansard; Reports of Committees; and Reports of Commissioners. There are also older papers from the House of Lords.
References to publications covering political science and international relations, including international law and public administration/policy. Includes journal articles, books, book chapters, dissertations, and working papers. Covers 1975 to the present.
Video material including documentaries, interviews, performances, news programmes and newsreels covering a variety of events and themes.
References for historical writing dealing with the British Isles, and with the British Empire and Commonwealth, from 55BC to the present.
Full-text articles in business magazines, scholarly journals and trade publications.
Provides references to articles, books, dissertations and working papers in economics.
Only one person at a time can use this resource.
This resource has been replaced. Please see Gale Primary Sources for the new product.
Gives reference to journal articles covering all aspects of human impact to the environment across the disciplines of agriculture, education, law, health, and technology.
An unofficial digitised version of Hansard from 1803 to March 2005, including pages for individual MPs, constituencies, acts, bills and discussions.
Also available as part of U.K. Parliamentary Papers
A comprehensive index and bibliography of philosophy.
If you are off-campus, you can still use the database, but you may need to locate an Institutional login page to be able to access the sources available via the external links. You may wish to create an account with PhilPapers, which will make access to external links seamless - this requires you to provide some personal details such as your name and email address.
Full-text of over many local, regional and national newspapers, news websites and blogs from leading publishers throughout the world. Includes backfiles for most newspapers, providing access to articles, columns, editorials, obituaries and features published in each paper.
Key economic and social data, both quantitative and qualitative.
A multidisciplinary database containing references to journal articles covering all subject areas from 1990 onwards. Browse specific journal issues to keep up-to-date with articles published in journals of interest.
Introductions to major writers, artists, philosophers, topics and periods in the subject areas of literature, philosophy, classics, religion and cultural studies.
Merged online catalogues of many major UK and Irish academic, National libraries and specialist libraries.
Nearly 100 full-text searchable 19th century periodicals covering women's writing, the rapid rise of children's entertainment and education, among other topics.
Full-text access to books and journals published by Oxford University Press, covered by our subscriptions.
Biographies of the men and women who shaped all aspects of Britain's past, from the fourth century BC to the year 2000.
Gives references to journal articles, books, conference proceedings and patents in all subjects. Also offers extensive tools to analyse results, and measure impact for articles, journals and authors.
Gives references to journal articles in the social sciences.
This database is part of the Web of Science Core Collection. To search just this part select 'Social Sciences Citation Index' from the 'Editions' drop down list.
Essentially a vast Library catalogue. Gives references to books, theses, and other published materials in all subjects.
If you are on campus you will be able to access most e-journals and e-books, and some databases, without entering a username and password because your IP address identifies you as being at the University of Reading.
For any that require a login, see the Off-campus tab.
When you use our e-resources you are agreeing to our Terms of Use. Please take a moment to look at these by following the link below:
When you are off-campus you will need to login to identify yourself as a member of the University of Reading to gain access to our protected databases, e-books and e-journals.
Your login details
You login in the same way as for Blackboard - via Microsoft. Just enter your University username followed by (e.g. and your password. If this is the first time you have logged in via this method when off-campus you will be asked to complete a Multi-Factor Authentication. For more information see:
Watch this short video on how you login to use Library resources.
This playlist of two videos shows you how to prepare for and perform a literature search. The first video introduces literature searches and their role. The second video covers using the search operators AND and OR to create a search statement, and explains the role of wildcards and truncation in constructing a comprehensive search. This information is also available in written guides - see the links below.
Our Inter-Library Loans service can get articles, books and other publications not held at Reading from other libraries (usually from the British Library).
For more information see our webpages: