The University of Reading has arrangements with several publishers that mean that staff and students can achieve Open Access for their publications automatically without the need to apply for funding or deal with invoices. Most of these arrangements are under Transformative/Transitional Agreements whereby publishers have committed to flip hybrid journals to a fully Gold Open Access publishing model over time.
A list of the publishers with which we have agreements is given below. The SciFree Journal search tool is a useful quick check to find out if a specific journal is included in one of our deals.
In general, to qualify for most of the publisher deals it is essential that:
If the publisher you wish to use is not featured on this list, you may still be able to achieve Gold Open Access for your publication.
For UKRI-funded researchers, funding is available for publications in fully Open Access journals (Gold Open Access), subject to budget constraints. A condition of funding is that the journal is listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals. Apply for funding in advance of submission to fully Open Access journals in order to guarantee that the APC will be funded. Funding for publications in some subscription (hybrid) journals may also be available. See the 'Paying for OA' section for more details.
First steps: A quick way to check if your journal is covered by a publisher agreement is to use our SciFree journal search tool as shown below. This should tell you if the journal is in a deal or whether you need to apply for funding from the Open Access team University of Reading.
Checking using this list: The publisher agreements available to University of Reading researchers are listed alphabetically in the horizontal tabs to the right of this page. Each page gives details of the publications included in the deal, how to access the deal and any limitations. Not all of the publishers listed are part of a deal or agreement but are listed for information.
If the publisher you wish to use is not listed this does not mean that you won't be able to achieve Open Access for your article. Please check the 'Paying for OA' page in conjunction with this list. For any queries, please contact the Open Access requests team by email:
Please note that the terms of deals can change and new ones are being added and so it is worth checking this page before you submit to a publisher.
Use the SciFree journal search tool to find out if your chosen journal is part of an Open Access agreement at University of Reading. The search will also give information on journals published by some of the major fully Open Access (Gold) publishers such as MDPI, Copernicus, BMC.
For 2023-2024, the read and publish deal covers all ACS journals - hybrid and fully open access titles. There is no cap on the number of papers that can be published under the deal.
The offer applies to outputs where the corresponding author is affiliated to University of Reading. As a corresponding author eligible for sponsored open access under an ACS Read + Publish Agreement, during submission, you need to:
Full instructions of each step of the process are given on the ACS website and there is also a video that outlines the process (link below).
There is a confirmation step whereby the Open Access requests team at University of Reading are asked to approve the request for funding of the APC. This step is usually completed within 1-2 days and is simply a confirmation that the author is still affiliated with University of Reading.
Full instructions of each step of the process are given on the ACS website and there is also a video that outlines the process (link below).
A read and publish Transformative Agreement is in place with AMS as of March 2023. The pilot deal will run from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2024. The deal covers Hybrid (subscription) and fully Open Access journals (Pure Gold Open Access) published by the Society
This covers all the Society's journals.
To access the deal:
The corresponding author must be affiliated with University of Reading
Use your University of Reading email address in the submission
Declare your affiliation during the submission process
The submission must be classified as a ‘research article’
You must choose the CC BY 4.0 licence on acceptance
Eligibility will be determined at the submission stage so it is very important that University of Reading is selected for the corresponding author's affiliation at this point.
No page charges will be due for papers that qualify for the deal. Colour charges are not included and the Library is unable to fund these.
There is no cap on the number of articles that can be published Open Access under the terms of the deal.
There is no approval step for the deal, so it is particularly important that University of Reading corresponding authors make sure that they provide clear evidence of their affiliation by using their institutional email address and selecting the correct affiliation using the dropdown menu in the AMS online manuscript submission process via Editorial Manager.
Full list of journals included in the deal:
Bulletin of the AMS (BAMS)
Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems (AIES)
Earth Interactions (EI)
Weather, Climate, and Society (WCAS)
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology (JAMC)
Journal Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology (JTECH)
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences (JAS)
Journal of Climate (JCLI)
Journal of Hydrometeorology (JHM)
Journal of Physical Oceanography (JPO)
Monthly Weather Review (MWR)
Weather and Forecasting
The deal includes all fully peer-reviewed research articles published in ACM's magazines, Conference Proceedings and journals.
It is extremely important that the corresponding author declares their affiliation as University of Reading and uses their institutional email address when submitting their work so that they are provided with the correct ACM Open eRights forms.
Eligibility for Open Access agreements at ACM is based on the corresponding author’s affiliation as provided at submission so it is important that this is established between co-authors before submission.
In order to be recognised by ACM as being eligible for ACM Open you must:
The publisher will send an email notifying the corresponding author that they are eligible for the deal at the submission stage and also at the acceptance stage.
At the acceptance stage, the corresponding author will be sent a link to the eRights form. The ACM Open Edit screen will indicate that the paper is part of the ACM Open Program. The corresponding author should check that all the information is correct. The Erights form will default to the Institutionally paid open rights option with a CCBY 4.0 licence. This should not be changed and the author should agree to the most open CCBY Creative Commons licence.
After the licence has been selected, click on proceed and then complete the remaining fields (including your funder, if applicable). Once the form is submitted the corresponding author will receive email confirmation of the acceptance of the forms and a copy for their records.
There is no limit on the number of articles that can be published via this deal.
The deal includes hybrid (subscription) and fully Open Access (pure Gold) journals. A full list of the journals included in the deal is available on the CUP Read and Publish deal web page (link below).
In order for articles to be eligible for the deal, they must:
On acceptance of your article, the publisher will alert you to the fact that a deal exists with your institution. When completing the request with the publisher, you should choose the CC BY 4.0 licence for your work. If you choose a more restrictive licence, your request may be denied or delayed.
The deal applies for qualifying outputs that are accepted between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2024.
The Read and Publish deal with the Company of Biologists covers their 3 hybrid journals and 2 fully Open Access (Gold) journals:
When you submit your manuscript it is essential that the corresponding author is based at University of Reading. The Company of Biologists will use the affiliation of the corresponding author to determine eligibility for the deal. If you are submitting to Development, Journal of Cell Science or Journal of Experimental Biology, you should follow the on-screen instructions and be sure to select “Gold Open Access” and “Read & Publish fee waiver”. This step is not required for submissions to the fully Open Access journals Disease Models & Mechanisms and Biology Open.
If your paper is accepted you should complete the Publication Agreement in the Bench>Press author area. The publisher will then send you a link to the RightsLink system and an automatic fee waiver will be applied. You should select 'Seek funding from University of Reading' and then click 'next'. This should take you to the sign in page for the publisher's RightsLink Open Access system. If you already have an account, log in; if not you need to create an account. Once signed in you should be able to review the details, approve the terms and conditions and select 'Submit for approval'.
The University of Reading Open Access team will be asked to approve the request. You will then receive an email confirming that you are eligible for free Open Access publishing under the terms of the deal. You will receive a proof of your article and the final approved version will be published under a CC BY licence. If given the option, you should choose the CC BY 4.0 version of the licence.
The deal is only available if the corresponding author is affiliated with University of Reading. It is important that the author roles are decided on at the submission stage in order to make sure that you qualify for the deal.
An agreement between Elsevier and JISC institutions was announced on 23 March 2022. This is effective for articles that are accepted between 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2024.
For journals that have 'flipped' from hybrid (subscription) models to fully Open Access (Pure Gold Open Access) during the duration of the deal, they will still be covered as if they were still a hybrid. Examples of journals that fall into this category will be added below:
Agricultural Water Management - Flipped to Open Access in January 2023.
Hybrid (subscription) journals
In order to qualify for the deal, you must be publishing in one of the hybrid journals that is included in the scheme. Elsevier have provided a look up tool on their website so you can check if the journal in which you wish to publish is covered by the deal and find participating journals in particular subject areas.
Fully Open Access journals
Elsevier also has a number of fully open access (Gold) journals. Under the terms of the JISC deal, corresponding authors at University of Reading will be eligible for a 15% discount on the APC. The Library can now only pay the APC for authors who are funded by the UK research councils. You must apply for funding using the funding request form in advance of submitting to one of these journals. If you do not apply in advance, your APC may not be paid by the Library and you will have to find an alternative means of paying the invoice.
Hybrid (subscription) journals. In order to qualify for the deal, you must be the corresponding author on the paper and make sure that you declare your affiliation to University of Reading during the submission stage.
Once your article has been accepted for publication in a participating journal, you will receive an email containing a link to the “post-acceptance author journey”. Upon selecting the open access publishing option, your affiliation will be validated by the open access team at University of Reading, and you will be informed if the APC will be covered by the agreement. You should choose the CC BY 4.0 licence for your article rather than any more restrictive licences. A series of screenshots and a video are available in the links below.
Fully open access (gold) journals
You must apply for funding in advance of submitting to a fully open access journal. Once your paper is accepted, you will be directed to the publisher's rights and access pages. You need to confirm your affiliation and funding and also that of your coauthors (if applicable). The 15% discount should be shown on the Gold open access screen. You should request an invoice using the 'Invoice an Organisation' from the appropriate screen. Please add your previously issued purchase order number to the invoice at this stage. If you need the University of Reading VAT number, please contact the OArequests team. The OA requests team will be asked to approve the discounted invoice. Please send any invoices to OArequests as soon as you receive them and they will arrange payment.
Colour charges are not included in the deal. These will not be paid from University funds or the UKRI block grant. You will need to find alternative sources of funds to cover these if the journal you are publishing in has colour charges and you take up this option.
Not all Elsevier journals are included in the deal. Please use their journal checker to make sure you have selected a journal included in the deal.
This deal has now been renewed for 2024 and will run until 31/12/2024.
The read and publish deal covers original research articles, research letters, correspondence articles, ERJ methods articles and review articles.
In order to benefit from this deal, the corresponding author of the output must be based at University of Reading. It is important that you use your University of Reading email address and declare your affiliation to the publisher at submission so that you are identified as qualifying for the deal. You must choose the CC BY 4.0 version of the licence for your publication.
There are currently no deals available with the IEEE for University of Reading authors.
IEEE have announced that they will allow UKRI-funded authors to use the 'route 2' option in order to comply with their funder's policy. This means that authors may deposit the Author’s Accepted Manuscript in an institutional or subject repository at the time of final publication with no delay or embargo period. The deposited version will have a CC BY licence. UKRI-funded authors must use the standard recommended text at submission: ‘For the purpose of open access, the author(s) has applied a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence to any Author Accepted Manuscript version arising’.
For papers submitted or or after 1 April 2022, only IEEE's Gold Open Access journals that are listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) will give a publication route that is compliant with the UKRI's Open Access policy. See the list below under Further information. The APCs for these fully Open Access journals can be covered by the UKRI block grant. Apply for funding using the Open Access funding request form at the point of submission.
The UKRI block grant cannot be used to fund Open Access in any of IEEE's hybrid (subscription) journals as they are not 'Transformative Journals' according to JISC. In May 2022, IEEE announced that they would allow UKRI funded authors to comply with their funder's OA policy by using the 'route 2' option. Authors who need to have a CC BY licence on their manuscript have to make a request to IEEE at the point of submission. Submissions should also include the recommended route 2 wording in the acknowledgement section of the paper and in a cover note accompanying the submission.
Authors with no funding are unable to submit to the fully Open Access titles unless they can fund the APC themselves. No funding is available from the Library. Authors are able to publish in the hybrid titles but are not able to opt for Open Access unless they can fund the APC themselves.
Information last updated 9/01/2024
This deal has now been renewed until 31 December 2025.
IOP publishing has 96 journals in the field of physics and related subjects.
The read and publish agreement applies to a list of hybrid (subscription) journals referred to as List A and List B by the publisher.
For 2022, our deal also includes List D, comprising an additional 18 fully Open Access (Gold) titles.
For a full list of eligible journals, visit the publisher website (see link below).
The deal applies to all primary research article types as well as reviews, letters, papers and special issue articles. The corresponding (submitting) author must be a current staff member, researcher or student of University of Reading. When you submit your article, you should supply your affiliation clearly in the article submission form and in the article itself. You should also acknowledge any research funding during submission as well as in the manuscript.
If your article is identified as eligible for funding under the terms of the read and publish deal, you will be notified during the peer-review process or shortly after acceptance. Your paper will automatically be opted in to open access. The CC BY 4.0 open access licence will be applied to your publication. If you have not been alerted to the Open Access deal before your article is accepted, please contact the journal to ensure that your work is included in the arrangement.
University of Reading has not included the Electrochemical Society journals in the read and publish deal. This decision was based an analysis of previous publishing practices of our staff and students.
There is no cap on the number of articles that can be published under the terms of the deal.
The IWA publishes 15 peer-reviewed journals, including five fully Open Access titles, on topics related to water, sanitation, water use and reuse, climate change and water resources and sustainable delivery of water to emerging cities. A full list of the IWA journals is available on the publisher's webpage (see link below).
The read and publish deal with IWAP means that automatic Open Access will be applied to articles where a University of Reading member is the corresponding author and uses their University email address as the contact address when submitting the manuscript for publication. You must choose the CC BY 4.0 licence when agreeing Open Access with the journal.The publisher advises authors to do the following during the submission process:
Queries on eligibility and how to make sure that your affiliation is recognised can be sent to You must choose the CC BY 4.0 licence when agreeing Open Access with the journal.
There is no cap on the number of articles that can by published through the deal. Eligibility for the deal is determined by the affiliation of the corresponding author.
A new Read and Publish agreement with John Benjamin will begin on 30 January 2024. This agreement applies to 87 hybrid journals and covers research articles. The publisher also has two Diamond (no fee) fully Open Access journals.
Eligibility for the deal will be determined by the publisher based on the affiliation of the corresponding author. It is important to make sure you declare your affiliation as University of Reading and to use a Reading email address if possible. Authors with funding should declare their funding at the submission stage.
Articles with University of Reading corresponding authors will be offered Open Access automatically. On acceptance of your article, the publisher will alert you to the JISC deal and that Reading is a member. You must choose the CCBY 4.0 licence for your paper.
The Microbiology Society is a not-for-profit publisher that uses surpluses from the journal publishing programme to fund Society activities.
The Publish and Read deal covers the Microbiology Society's 4 hybrid journals and 2 fully open access (gold) titles
Eligibility for the deal is determined by the affiliation of the corresponding author. It is important that you declare your affiliation and use your University of Reading email address at the submission stage. You should select 'Yes' when asked 'Do you wish to publish Open Access'. You should click on 'View publication charges' to confirm your eligibility.
On acceptance of your article, the corresponding author will receive an email with a link to request funding from their institution. Following approval the corresponding author will receive an email confirming that the article is covered by the Publish and Read deal. The author's institution will be acknowledged on the first page of the article as having provided Open Access. The CC BY 4.0 licence will be offered by default and must be chosen by the author.
There is no cap on the number of publications. The deal will only be offered to submissions where the corresponding author has declared their affiliation as University of Reading.
A new agreement with Springer that also covers Nature Research hybrid journals is now in place. The deal currently only covers the hybrid journals shown below.
A discount on the APC for fully open access titles will shortly be in place (August/September 2023) and will still require authors to apply for funding using the open access request form.
Nature Aging
Nature Astronomy
Nature Biomedical Engineering
Nature Biotechnology
Nature Cancer
Nature Cardiovascular Research
Nature Catalysis
Nature Cell Biology
Nature Chemical Biology
Nature Chemistry
Nature Climate Change
Nature Computational Science
Nature Ecology & Evolution
Nature Electronics
Nature Energy
Nature Food
Nature Genetics
Nature Geoscience
Nature Human Behaviour
Nature Immunology
Nature Machine Intelligence
Nature Materials
Nature Medicine
Nature Mental Health
Nature Metabolism
Nature Methods
Nature Microbiology
Nature Nanotechnology
Nature Neuroscience
Nature Photonics
Nature Physics
Nature Plants
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology
Nature Sustainability
Nature Synthesis
Nature Water
In order for articles to be eligible for the deal, the corresponding author must be a staff member or student at University of Reading, declare their affiliation as University of Reading and ideally use a Reading email address. Authors with funding should declare their funding at the submission stage. On acceptance of your article, the publisher will alert you to the JISC deal and that Reading is a member. You must choose the CCBY 4.0 licence for your paper.
The deal has now been renewed and will last until 31 December 2025.
This read and publish deal includes over 400 hybrid (subscription) and fully Open Access (Gold) journals. A full list of the journals included is available on the publisher's website (see link below).
In order to access the OUP read and publish deal, the author must be:
the corresponding author of the article
affiliated to University of Reading and declare this affiliation in their submission
publishing a research or review article
publishing in an eligible journal listed (full list available using the link below)
When an article is accepted the corresponding author will receive an email with a link to the publisher's licencing and payment system. The corresponding author must choose the CC BY 4.0 creative commons licence. At this stage the author will be asked to confirm that they will pay the Open Access charge but this will not be necessary when the institution confirms that the author is eligible for the read and publish deal. The next step is to proceed to the payment section and select 'UK institutions prepayment account' on the article charges page. Tick the 'refer charge' box next to the Open Access charge and then click 'refer charges' at the bottom of the page. On the 'confirm address' section, fill in the required information and then complete the request. At this point a confirmation email will be sent by the publisher. Once the verification step is included, the corresponding author will receive a confirmation email.
Page charges or colour charges are not included in the read and publish deal. If you incur any page or colour charges you will need to pay these from departmental funds. The corresponding author must declare their affiliation to the University of Reading in order to qualify for the deal.
PeerJ is a fully Open Access peer-reviewed, scholarly journal for research articles in the biological and medical sciences.
PeerJ publishes 7 fully open access journals:
The institutional publishing plan with PeerJ covers articles arising from any source of funding. It provides basic membership publishing plans for authors, allowing authors to publish one article per year for life in PeerJ, with no cost to themselves.
It is important that you declare your affiliation as University of Reading and use your Reading email address when submitting to the journal. On acceptance the publisher should recognise that you are eligible for the deal based on your institutional email address and should process the payment automatically via our institutional fund. If this does not happen automatically, Reading affiliated authors should use the University of Reading institutional page on the PeerJ website to submit a claim for a Basic Membership and complete the email verification. There is then an approval step via the University of Reading Open Access team. Please note that the plan only covers Reading authors, if you have coauthors at other institutions, they may have to organise their own payments - contact the Open Access requests team for further advice.
This deal has been renewed and will run until 31/12/2025.
A Read and Publish arrangement is in place with Portland Press. The deal covers 5 subscription (hybrid) and 2 fully Open Access (Gold) journals.
Subscription (hybrid) journals:
Open Access (Gold) journals:
Eligibility for the deal will be determined by the affiliation of the corresponding author. It is important that you declare your affiliation and use a University of Reading email address. The corresponding author will be notified by the publisher that they qualify for the Open Access deal either at the acceptance (hybrid journals) or the submission (Open Access journals) stage. There is no approval stage from the corresponding author's institution. It is mandatory under the terms of the deal to choose the CC BY 4.0 licence.
There is no limit to the number of publications that will qualify for Open Access. However, it is a requirement that the corresponding author is affiliated to the University of Reading in order to qualify for the deal.
This new arrangement for 2022 will cover articles from University of Reading authors that are accepted after 1 April 2022. If you have a publication accepted before this date, you should apply for funding using the Open Access request form.
The read and publish deals cover the following PLOS titles:
Eligibility for the deal is determined by the institutional affiliation of the corresponding author. The corresponding author must declare their affiliation as University of Reading at the submission stage and preferably use their institutional email address. If the paper is accepted the University of Reading Open Access team will be asked to verify the author is a current staff member or student. Once this is confirmed, the paper will be published Open Access.
There is no cap on the number of APCs available under the deal. The deal only applies to the PLOS titles listed above. If you would like to publish in one of their other journals you will need to complete the Open Access request form at the submission stage.
A read and publish arrangement has been negotiated via JISC. This covers all the society's Hybrid Open Access journals. To access the deal:
Please note that no additional charges such as reprints or cover artwork are covered by the deal.
Publishing in the Society's fully open access journals
Corresponding authors at University of Reading will receive a 15% discount on APCs for the Society's fully Open Access (Gold) journals. Only authors that are funded by the UK Research Institutes (UKRI) are eligible to have APCs paid by the Library. An application for funding must be made before submission using the Open Access funding request form.
The deal with SAGE has now been renewed and will run from 6 July 2023 to 31 December 2024.
SAGE Publications publishes 1,101 journals in the social sciences, humanities and life sciences - 828 on a subscription (hybrid) basis and 81 fully Open Access (Gold) titles. Over 300 are published on behalf of 250 learned societies and institutions.
There are different rules for subscription (hybrid) and fully Open Access (Gold) journals under our arrangements with this publisher. Make sure that you check the publishing model of the journal before you submit.
The Read and Publish deal with SAGE means that authors can publish Open Access without limits in the SAGE Premier, IMechE and RSM subscription (hybrid) journal collections. This applies to original research papers, review papers, brief communications, short reports and case reports.
In order to qualify for this deal:
It is essential that you provide correct affiliation details so that the publisher can identify you as belonging to an eligible institution. The Open Access team based in the Library will be asked to verify your affiliation to University of Reading.
Authors do not need to take any action to benefit from this deal. The publisher will contact all eligible authors to inform them of the Open Access agreement and invite them to the SAGE Open Access Portal to take up the offer as soon as their accepted article has been received into SAGE’s Production department. At the acceptance stage, all authors need to complete the steps to sign SAGE’s Journal Contributor’s Publishing Agreement. SAGE still requires this agreement for your article to proceed to production at SAGE. Through the SAGE Open Access Portal, you will automatically receive an Open Access Contributor’s Agreement that will replace the earlier signed agreement.
You must choose the CC BY 4.0 version of the licence when asked by the publisher.
A step by step guide is provided by the publisher on the open access portal (link below).
For SAGE fully Open Access (Gold) journals a 20% discount on the APC will apply as part of this deal.
Only UKRI funded authors are eligible for payment of APCs by the Library. You must apply before you submit your manuscript to ensure funding is available. Apply for funding via the Open Access request form.
If your article is accepted the invoice for the APC will be handled through the RightsLink portal for most journals. The discount code JISC2020 must be added in the RightsLink portal to qualify for the reduced APC. Full instructions will be given by the Open Access requests team when you apply for funding. A step-by-step guide is also available on the SAGE Open Access portal (link below).
The deal with Springer has been renewed and will run until 31 December 2025. The deal has been extended to include Springer, Palgrave, Macmillan and Nature Research Details into one Read and Publish agreement. A full list of the journals covered by the deal is available on the Springer Nature website by following the links in the Further Information section below.
The Springer Compact transitional agreement covers around 2,051 hybrid journals. A full list of the publications included in the deal is available on the publisher's website (see link below).
Eligibility for the deal is determined by the affiliation declared by the corresponding author. It is very important that on submission of your article you should select the correct institutional affiliation, use your University of Reading email address and preferably complete the form while you are logged on to your institution's computer network so that the IP address is recognised.
If you have UKRI or other funding, it is very important to declare this at the submission stage. Should the funding run out, the publisher should allow funded authors to use other routes to make the paper compliant with their funder's policies.
The article types covered by the agreement are:
On acceptance of your article, the Open Access team at University of Reading will be asked to confirm the eligibility of the corresponding author. Once approved, you will be notified by the publisher and your article will proceed to publication. You do not need to fill in the APC funding request form to use this deal.
There is a UK limit to the number of publications that can be included in the deal. The publisher will notify member institutions if this limit is likely to be reached.
The deal has now been renewed and will extend until 31 December 2025.
The read and publish deal includes 2,300 subscription (hybrid) Taylor and Francis and Routledge journals that are part of the Open Select collection. Open Select journals should have an indicator at the top of the journal home page that reads 'Publish Open Access in this journal' in gold type.
For 2024-2025, the deal also includes fully Open Access (Pure Gold) titles and sites such as F1000Research and Routledge Open Research.
In order to be eligible for the read and publish deals, the articles must
To be eligible for the deal the corresponding author must declare their affiliation to University of Reading at the submission stage. It is also helpful to use your institutional email address when submitting.
The deal is based on the affiliation of the corresponding author and you must use your University of Reading email address to prove your affiliation.
It is important that you choose the CC BY 4.0 version of the Creative Commons license when you sign the publishing agreement offered by the publisher. The Library Open Access team may refuse the request for Open Access if a more restrictive licence is selected.
The Wiley deal has now been renewed until 31/12/2025. There are now two separate agreements to cover the hybrid journals and the fully open access (Gold) journals. Wiley may halt the fully open access deal if a national cap is reached before the end of the agreement.
You must be publishing in a fully Open Access (Gold) or subscription (hybrid) journal that offers Open Access. Primary research and review articles are included in the deal. Full lists of the Open Access and subscription (hybrid) journals included in the deal are given on the publisher webpage (see link below).
If you are submitting to a subscription (hybrid) journal, you must order Open Access at the point of acceptance of your article.
To be eligible for the read and publish deal, the responsible corresponding author must be affiliated with University of Reading. At the submission stage the corresponding author will be asked to log into the Author Services area and confirm the author roles on the article. Although you can designate more than one corresponding author, there can only be one responsible corresponding author for each publication. The responsible corresponding author will be expected to complete the remaining steps in the Author Services area and will have to choose the Open Access options and sign the licence.
It is also important to declare any funding at the submission stage. You should do this in your manuscript and also add this to the funding information questions in the manuscript submission system.
Fully Open Access (Gold) journals
During submission, select the payment option that says "The Corresponding Author's institution/funder has an agreement with Wiley". You should then follow the instructions to find and enter the account code for University of Reading. This will trigger an approval step from the University of Reading Open Access team. When your request is approved, you will receive a confirmation email. Your accepted article will then be published Open Access with a creative commons licence. You should choose the CC BY 4.0 version of the licence.
In April 2023, Wiley announced that page and colour charges had been eliminated from all of its Gold Open Access journals.
Subscription (hybrid) journals
When your article is accepted, visit the Author Services webpage. Under 'My articles' look for the newly accepted article and select 'Manage Article'. There should be a message from your institution or funder alerting you to the Open Access deal. You should 'Select Open Access' at this point. The next step is to confirm any funding you have received. Once you have completed this section, you will be asked to confirm the affiliation that you added during the submission process. When prompted, choose 'Yes, make my article Open Access'. The University of Reading Open Access team will then be asked to confirm your eligibility for the deal. When your request is approved you will receive a confirmation email and your article will be published Open Access with a creative commons licence. You should choose the CC BY 4.0 version of the licence.
Some hybrid journals still carry page and colour charges that are not covered by the publisher deal. The majority of these will waive colour and page charges when an APC is being paid. However, authors should check the author guidelines carefully. Page and colour charges will not be funded by the Library.
The JISC read and publish deal with Wiley has been so popular with institutions across the UK that it has had to be restricted part way through the year for 2020 and for 2021. In the past, the deal has had to be restricted to cover only authors in receipt of funding from the UKRI and a group of other funders such as British Heart Foundation, Wellcome Trust etc. The deal did not exceed capacity in 2022 or 2023. However, it is very important that authors declare any UKRI or similar funding to the publisher at the point of submission. This will enable the publisher to identify relevant publications should the deal have to be restricted again later in 2024.
Eligibility for the deal is determined by the affiliation of the Responsible Corresponding Author. It is important that authors make sure that they have the correct designation at the point of submission in order to access the read and publish deal.
The deal does not cover additional charges such as cover, colour or page charges that individual journals may charge in addition to the APC.