You will usually find a direct link to the relevant reading list from the module site on Blackboard.
When viewing the module site look for the 'Online Reading List (Talis)' entry:
Click on this to view your list. If you want to go back to the module 'home' page on Blackboard at any time, click on the purple 'X' icon in the top left.
You might also find links to specific sections of the list in the Learning Materials section on Blackboard where your lecturer would like you to read specific resources each week or on a topic.
If the item cited on your list is available online, you will see a View Online button next to the title on the list.
Clicking on the button will open the online resource in a new tab/window.
When you click on the title of an item, if there is an online version you'll see an Available Online button - this will also take you to the online resource in a new tab/window.
Click on the title of the item in your reading list, or the 'View Availability' button, to see full bibliographic details and a summary of current Library availability, how many copies we have and the Call Number.
Click on the button that displays the number of copies to see which floor of the Main Library you will find the book.
If the availability column says a copy is 'expected', this is the date we expect it to be returned to the Library, if it is not renewed.
If all the copies are out, you can place a hold by clicking on this 'expected by' button which will take you to that book on the Enterprise catalogue. Just click on the 'Place hold' button to reserve it. The first copy returned will be kept for you and an email will be sent to your University email account.
If your tutor has requested a scanned extract of a particular chapter or article these will be accessible via your online Reading List. Scans are accessible from the start of the term in which the module is running.
When you click 'View Online' you will be asked to sign-in with your University of Reading username and password to access the scan. You will also be given the option to download or print. Please note that only students enrolled on a module are permitted to download or print from these scanned extracts.
If you require an alternative format for any item on your reading list, please click on the link at the top of your online reading list.
If you would like to know more about the Library’s alternative formats service, please see our guide below.