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Practice-based and reflective learning

Expert guidance from Study Advice at the University of Reading

practice-based learningMany academic disciplines require students to develop awareness of issues associated with professional practice. This may occur through the discussion of possible or fictional scenarios, or through reflection on actual experience, gained through work placements, voluntary work and internships. Increasingly, students undertaking degrees not aimed at a specific profession are also undertaking placements to build their skill-base. In both cases, they may be asked to reflect on their experiences in essays, reports and presentations.

Writing and thinking reflectively in an academic setting is often a new practice for students. In addition, placements can put particular pressure on time management, especially if academic commitments run concurrently.

These guides will show you how to use your experience as evidence to support your discussion; how to integrate theory and practice; how to use each to build your understanding of the other; how and when to use the first person in reflective writing; and other issues about writing style.