Finding books and e-books on a specific topic, author or genre
The Library website provides tips on searching for books on a topic and on Looking at your Enterprise search results.
If the book that you need is only available in the University Library, please contact Kim to find out if an electronic version can be purchased or accessed. We may be able to get hold of books through a range of difference routes, but this will depend on the book - so please get in touch to ask if you need a book that you cannot read online:
Using our e-book collections
The Library subscribes to several large e-book collections as well as individual e-book titles. Many of the titles are on Enterprise, so you can search for titles or topics using the Library catalogue.
However you may also want to search across a specific collection at chapter level, for keywords related to your subject, for example. You may find the following collections particularly useful:
For an idea of how to make the best use of these types of resources, see the online tutorial for Oxford Handbooks in the box below, or take a 'tour' of Cambridge Companions.
Our Inter-Library Loans service can get articles, books and other publications not held at Reading from other libraries (usually from the British Library).
For more information see our webpages: