More and more e-books are being made available for free online. This may be through the digitisation of out of copyright books, such as via Project Gutenberg, or reputable academic publishers providing 'Open Access' e-books for more recently published works.
Although some of these free e-books may appear in the Library's discovery service Summon, you will only find some of them on the Library catalogue Enterprise. here you will find links to selected providers of free online books.
The Directory of Open Access Books provides access to open access books published by a variety of publishers, across a range of disciplines.
The Internet Archive contains more than 8 million e-books which are in the public domain.
Digitised versions of books, which are fully searchable. You might see a percentage of pages from the book, or even the entire book, depending on the wishes of the rightsholder, or if the book is out of copyright.
Project Gutenberg contains over 60,000 free e-books. These are typically digitized versions of books that were published long ago and for which any US copyright has expired. Mainly literary works and reference items of historical significance.
HathiTrust is a collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world.
The OAPEN Library contains freely accessible academic books, mainly in the area of Humanities and Social Sciences.