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MPharm research project guide: Citing references & EndNote

Resources and links to guide you through your research project.

Your project report has to be written in the style of PNAS journal. However, you should use the Vancouver referencing style as detailed below.

Vancouver referencing - click on the tabs for guidance on specific publications

Click on the tabs above for guidance on citing specific publications in the Vancouver style.

Vancouver is a numbered style. Each piece of work cited should have a unique number, assigned in order (your first reference is 1, your second is 2 etc.). It is a very plain style with little punctuation and no text formatting such as italics, underlining or bold.

In-text citations

When adding an in-text citation to your document you can write the number in brackets:

Medical systems need to be carefully considered and designed to reduce the likelihood of medication errors (1).

How do I cite multiple sources together?

  • When citing two or more sources at once, write a number for each separated by a comma e.g. (1, 2) or (6, 12)
  • When citing more than two sources which are numbered consecutively, use a hyphen instead of a comma e.g. (3-5)

For example:

There are many studies that have examined the effect of alcohol on cognitive impairment (1,2, 4-7, 9).

Other citation questions

Does my citation number always have to be at the end of the sentence?

No. You can have citation numbers within the sentence if you have taken the information from multiple sources.

Around 1 in 20 people in the UK suffer with asthma (1), with most developing it during childhood (2). 

How should I refer to authors in the text?

You do not have to refer to the authors' names in the text but it may help the flow of your writing to do so.

Two authors: give both author's surnames linked with 'and'. For example:

A recent study by Chen and Lee (4) found that...

Three or more authors: use the first author's surname followed by "et al.". For example:

A recent study by Rang et al. (2) found that...

An organisation: give the full name with any recognised abbreviation in brackets afterwards e.g. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Thereafter you can refer to it using the abbreviation. Give the full name and abbreviation in the full reference. For example:

A survey by Asthma UK found that one in 20 people suffer from severe asthma (6).

How do I include a quote from a source?

If directly quoting from a work, you need to use single quotation marks. Include a page number in the in-text citation. For example:

More recently, a paper by Walker et al. (3) stated that 'student pharmacists are valuable and important to practice model transformation' (p. 47).

A paper by Walker et al.stated that 'student pharmacists are valuable and important to practice model transformation' (3, p. 47).

How do I refer to a source referenced in another work?

This type of referencing is known as secondary referencing and should be avoided wherever possible, as the author citing the work may have their own bias or misinterpretation. It is better to seek out the original reference (in this example, Ahmed’s) and cite it directly if it is useful.

You need to include both authors' names in the body of your text to show that you have not read the original article. In the final reference list, you should only include the reference you have read yourself (Jones in this example):

According to Ahmed as cited in Jones (5)...

Reference list


References must be listed at the end of your document in numerical order based on the order of citation. If you use the same source more than once, the original citation number should be used. 

Author names

Cited by Surname Initials - there is no comma between the surname and initials, nor any full stop or space between initials.

Chen ZL

Multiple authors

Authors should be listed in the order they appear on the publication. Only list the first six authors followed by et al. 

Monzer NL, Hartmann M, Buckert M, Wolff K, Nawroth P, Kopf S et al. 

Additional guidance

See the tabs in this box for additional guidance and relevant examples. Our Vancouver guidance is closely aligned with that given in the 'Cite them right' book and website (below). You can find extra publication types and examples via this website. Note that we deviate from this guide in some cases to make references simpler. For instance you should put journal names in full not abbreviated.

Vancouver referencing

Find an overview of the essentials of Vancouver referencing in this video (8 mins). You will need to login with your University username and password to view this video.

Citing books and e-books

Most books and e-books can be cited in the same way. If you are viewing the PDF of a printed book there is no need to include the web address in your reference if you have the place published and publisher.

Include the following in your reference:

  • Author(s) or editors in the format Surname Initials (no full stops or spaces between initials).
    For books with more than six authors list the first six followed by 'et al.'
  • Title of book (capitalise only the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns)
  • Edition (if not the first)
  • Place of publication: Publisher; Year. (if more than one place of publication is listed, use the one most local to you)
    You can usually find this information on the title page or following page.

Copy the format and punctuation of these examples:

  1. Ritter JM, Flower RJ, Henderson G, Loke YK, MacEwan D, Robinson E et al. Rang & Dale's pharmacology. 10th ed. London: Elsevier; 2024.
  2. Ashley C, Dunleavy A, editors. The renal drug handbook: the ultimate prescribing guide for renal practitioners. 5th ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 2019.

Citing online only books

Some books are born digital and are not published in a traditional format. If the book does not have a Place published and Publisher then you will need to follow this guidance. Include the following in your reference:

  • Author(s) or editors in the format Surname Initials (no full stops or spaces between initials)
    For books with more than six authors list the first six followed by 'et al.'
  • Title of book (capitalise only the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns)
  • Edition (if not the first)
  • [Internet]
  • Year. 
  • [cited year month day] - the date you looked at it e.g. [cited 2022 Jun 18]
    You can usually find this information on the title page or following page.
  • Available from: or web address

Note: if you are unable to find a place published and publisher you will need to cite the item following the web page guidance.

Copy the format and punctuation of these examples:

  1. UK Health Security Agency. Immunisation against infectious disease (The Green Book) [Internet]. 2024 [cited 2024 Nov 26]. Available from:
  2. Grabrucker AM, editor. Autism spectrum disorders [Internet]. 2021 [cited 2024 Dec 10]. Available from:

Note: Using StatPearls? Follow the guidance on citing an online only book chapter.

EndNote tips

  • Print and e-books
    • Use the Reference Type 'Book'
    • Fields to complete:
      • Author: in the format surname, initials, each author on a separate line
      • Year:
      • Title:
      • Place published:
      • Publisher:
      • Edition: if not the first - just add the number e.g. 2nd, 3rd
  • Edited books
    • Use the Reference Type  'Edited book'
    • Fields to complete:
      • Same as above but instead of the Author field fill in the Editor field 
  • Online only books 
    • Use the Reference Type 'Electronic Book'
    • Fields to complete:
      • Author: in the format surname, initials, each author on a separate line
      • Year:
      • Title:
      • Edition: if not the first - just add the number e.g. 2nd, 3rd
      • Type of Medium: Internet
      • Year Cited: in the format 2024
      • Date Cited: in the format month day e.g. Jan 23
      • URL: paste in the web link
    • Note that even with the information entered as above EndNote will not quite format the reference correctly - the edition will not appear and for edited e-books 'editors' will not be added after the editor names. To correct this, as a final step before submission, create a plain text version of your document. Go to the EndNote toolbar in Word and select 'Convert citations and bibliography' to 'Plain text' (this will be under 'Tools' on the Mac version of the toolbar). This will create a copy of your document which is divorced from EndNote so that you can make final tweaks to the references to match the guidance above.

Citing chapters in printed books and e-books with publication details

Follow this guidance to cite a printed book or an e-book which has the publisher and place published information. Include the following in your reference:

  • Chapter author(s) in the format Surname Initials (no full stops or spaces between initials)
  • Title of chapter. (capitalise only the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns)
  • In
  • Editor(s) of the book followed by , editor/editors
  • Title of book. (capitalise only the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns)
  • Edition (if not the first)
  • Place of publication: Publisher; Year. (if more than one place of publication is listed, use the one most local to you)
  • Page numbers of the chapter preceded by p. Abbreviate where appropriate e.g. 110-128 would be 110-28, 450-455 would be 450-5.

Copy the format and punctuation of this example

  1. Singh H, Khurana LK, Singh R. Pharmaceutical development. In: Vohora D, Singh G, editors. Pharmaceutical medicine and translational clinical research. London: Academic Press; 2018. p. 33-46.
  2. Schenke SA, Groener D, Grunert M, Stahl AR. Integrated thyroid imaging: ultrasound and scintigraphy. In:Giovanella L, editor. Integrated diagnostics and theranostics of thyroid diseases. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2023. p. 25-62.

Citing chapters in online only books

Some books are born digital and are not published in a traditional format. When citing chapters in these include the following in your reference:

  • Chapter author(s) in the format Surname Initials  (no full stops or spaces between initials)
  • Title of chapter. (capitalise only the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns)
  • In:
  • Editor(s) of the book followed by , editors
  • Title of book. (capitalise only the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns)
  • Edition (if not the first)
  • [Internet]
  • Year.
  • [cited year month day] - the date you looked at it e.g. [cited 2024 Nov 18]
  • Page numbers of the chapter if available preceded by p. Abbreviate where appropriate e.g. 110-128 would be 110-28, 450-455 would be 450-5.
  • Available from: or web address

Copy the format and punctuation of these examples:

  1. UK Health Security Agency. Immunisation by nurses and other health professionals. In: Immunisation against infectious disease (The Green Book) [Internet]. 2013. p. 35-9 [cited 2024 Dec 3]. Available from:
  2. Kawakami S, Otsuka S. Multisensory processing in autism spectrum disorders. In: Grabrucker AM, editor. Autism spectrum disorders [Internet]. 2021 [cited 2024 Dec 7]. Available from:
  3. Squadrito FJ, del Portal D. Nitrofurantoin. In: StatPearls [Internet]. 2022 [cited 2025 Jan 5]. Available from:

Endnote tips

  • Chapters from printed books and e-books with place published and publisher.
    • Use the Reference Type 'Book Section'
    • Fields to complete:
      • Author(s): in the format surname, initials. Each author on a separate line.
      • Year:
      • Title: title of chapter 
      • Editor(s): in the format surname, initials. Each editor on a separate line.
      • Book title: capitalise only the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns
      • Place published:
      • Publisher:
      • Pages: page numbers for the chapter
      • Edition: if not the first - just add the number e.g. 2nd, 3rd
  • Chapters from online only books 
    • Use the Reference Type 'Electronic Book Section'
    • Fields to complete:
      • Author: in the format surname, initials, each author on a separate line
      • Year:
      • Title: chapter title
      • Editor: (if there is one)
      • Book Title:
      • Edition: if not the first - just add the number e.g. 2nd, 3rd
      • Type of Work: Internet
      • Access Date: in the format year, month (abbreviated to three letters) day e.g. 2025 Jan 2
      • URL: paste in the web link
    • Note that even with all the required information entered in EndNote it will not format the reference correctly - the Edition and Type of Work will not be in the correct place. For edited e-books 'editors' will not be added after the editor names. The Access Date will be repeated at the end. To correct this, as a final step before submission, create a plain text version of your document. Go to the EndNote toolbar in Word and select 'Convert citations and bibliography' to 'Plain text' (this will be under 'Tools' on the Mac version of the toolbar). This will create a copy of your document which is divorced from EndNote so that you can make final tweaks to the references to match the guidance above.

Note that the way you enter a chapter on EndNote for the Vancouver style is different from the way you enter it for the Harvard style. It is not possible to reuse one entry in both styles.

Citing journal articles which have page numbers or article reference numbers

Include the following in your reference:

  • Article author(s) in the format Surname Initials (no full stops or spaces between initials).
    For articles with more than six authors list the first six followed by 'et al.'
  • Title of article. (capitalise only the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns)
  • Journal title in full (use a capital letter at the start of each significant word in the title)
    Note: we are not following the 'Cite them right' guidance to abbreviate journal names.
  • Year;
  • Volume number
  • Issue number in brackets (where present)
  • Page numbers or article reference number. Abbreviate page ranges where appropriate e.g. 110-128 would be 110-28, 450-455 would be 450-5.

Copy the format and punctuation of this example:

Rana MN, Neeland IJ. Adipose tissue inflammation and cardiovascular disease: an update. Current Diabetes Reports. 2022; 22(1):27-37. 

Vartiainen VA, Lavorini F, Murphy AC, Rabe KF. High inhaler resistance does not limit successful inspiratory maneuver among patients with asthma or COPD. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery. 2023; 20(3):385–93.

Monzer NL, Hartmann M, Buckert M, Wolff K, Nawroth P, Kopf S et al. The cardiac autonomic response to acute psychological stress in type 2 diabetes. PloS One. 2022; 17(3):e0265234.

Citing online journal articles without page numbers or article reference numbers

Include the following in your reference:

  • Article author(s) in the format Surname Initials (no full stops or spaces between initials).
    For articles with more than six authors list the first six followed by 'et al.'
  • Title of article. (capitalise only the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns)
  • Journal title in full (use a capital letter at the start of each significant word in the title)
    Note: we are not following the 'Cite them right' guidance to abbreviate journal names.
  • [Internet]
  • Year
  • [cited year month day] - the date you looked at it e.g. [cited 2022 Jun 18]
  • Volume number
  • Issue number in brackets (where present)
  • Available from: or web address if no DOI. When including a web address make sure it is as short as possible and doesn't include intermediate websites or your search string. 

Copy the format and punctuation of this example:

Azpiroz F, Dubray C, Bernalier-Donadille A, Cardot JM, Accarino A, Serra J et al. Effects of scFOS on the composition of fecal microbiota and anxiety in patients with irritable bowel syndrome: a randomized, double blind, placebo controlled study. Neurogastroenterology & Motility [Internet]. 2017 [cited 2024 Nov 24] ;29(2). Available from:

Note: if an article is in press and doesn't yet have a volume number treat like as above but add 'Forthcoming' before the year:

Sato K, Ogawa K, Tagami T, Ozeki T. Photothermal therapeutic effect by gold nanostars/extracellular vesicles nanocomplex on melanoma cells. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences [Internet]. Forthcoming 2024 [cited 2024 Dec 20]. Available from:

EndNote tips

You should be able to download details for most articles from databases such as Summon, Web of Science, Scopus and PubMed. If you need to type one in from scratch this is the information to include.

For most articles
  • Use the Reference Type 'Journal Article'
  • Complete these fields:
    • Author: in the format surname, initials - each author on a separate line
    • Year:
    • Title: title of the article - in lower case apart from the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns
    • Journal: name of the journal - give the journal name in full, not abbreviated. Use initial capital letters on all significant words.
    • Volume:
    • Issue: (if present)
    • Pages: page numbers or article reference number
For online only articles without page numbers or an article reference number and 'In press' articles:
  • Use Reference Type 'Electronic Article'
  • Fields to complete:
    • Author: in the format surname, initials - each author on a separate line
    • Year:
    • Title: title of the article - in lower case apart from the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns
    • Periodical Title: name of the journal - give the journal name in full, not abbreviated. Use initial capital letters on all significant words.
    • Volume: (if the article doesn't yet have a volume number add 'Forthcoming ' before the year - as in the above example)
    • Issue: (put in press here for articles currently being published).
    • Type of Work: Internet
    • Year Cited: in the format 2024
    • Date Cited in the format month day e.g. Dec 5.
    • URL: paste in the web link for the article or move the DOI from the DOI field and add in front of it e.g.
      If there is already a URL in the box check that it goes to the article, not back to the reference on the database you downloaded it from. Replace any database links with the DOI with in front of it or add the direct link to the article. When including a web address make sure it is as short as possible and doesn't include intermediate websites or your search string. 

Citing websites or webpages

You should avoid citing webpages unless you are clear of their quality and suitability for inclusion in academic work. See the 'Websites' tab within this guide for more information on evaluating webpages.

Only follow this guidance if the item you want to reference is not a book, a book chapter or a journal article. When you search the internet you will find many different types of content. The first step to referencing correctly is to recognise what you are looking at.

  • Could it be a book?
    Is it a PDF? Does it have a title page giving the title and the authors/editors? Does it have a place published and publisher on the following page? If 'Yes' it is probably a book - follow the guidance on citing a book.
  • Could it be a book chapter?
    Does it say 'Chapter' on it? Does it have page numbers? If 'Yes' it could be a book chapter - follow the guidance on citing a book chapter.
  • Could it be journal article?
    Does it have an abstract or summary? Does it mention the name of a journal and have a volume number? If 'Yes' it could be a journal article - follow the guidance on citing a journal article.

For guidance on citing specific, commonly used pharmacy-related sources see the other tabs in this box.

Citing reputable websites and webpages

Include the following in your reference:

  • Author(s)/Organisation name
  • Title of page/document (capitalise only the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns)
  • [Internet].
  • Year created/updated (for webpages with no date omit this element - see the final example)
  • [cited year month day] - the date you looked at it e.g. [cited 2022 Feb 18]
  • Available from: web link. When including a web address make sure it is as short as possible and doesn't include intermediate websites or your search string. 

Use the format and punctuation shown in these examples:

  1. Reynolds M. How the team monitoring new and emerging infectious diseases could help prevent the next pandemic [Internet]. 2023 [cited 2024 Dec 2]. Available from:
  2. DrugBank. Ranitidine [Internet]. 2024 [cited 2024 Dec 8]. Available from: (example of a website without a personal author)
  3. Office for Health Improvement & Disparities. Cardiovascular disease [Internet]. 2024 [cited 2024 Dec 28]. Available from: (another example of a website without a personal author)
  4. IUPHAR/BPS. Ibuprofen [Internet]. [cited 2024 Dec 6]. Available from:
    (this example is for a webpage without a personal author or a date)

EndNote tips

  • Use the Reference Type 'Web Page'
  • Fields to complete:
    • Author: in the format surname, initials - each author on a separate line
      Organisation as the author? Put a comma after the name to ensure it formats correctly e.g. British Nutrition Foundation,
    • Year: use the updated date for the page, if there isn't a date use 'no date'
    • Title: (in lower case apart from the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns)
    • Type of Medium: Internet
    • Year Cited: in the format 2024
    • Date Cited: in the format month day e.g. Dec 23
    • URL: paste in the web link. When including a web address make sure it is as short as possible and doesn't include intermediate websites or your search string. 
  • Organisation as the author? Put a comma after the name to ensure it formats correctly e.g. Office for Health Improvement & Disparities,

Citing the BNF

Update July 2024: Licence conditions imposed by Pharmaceutical Press mean you are not permitted to use the BNF on the NICE website or app. Instead you must use and cite the BNF either in print or on the MedicinesComplete website following the guidance given below.

When citing the BNF you only need one generic reference, not specific references for each drug or piece of information you have used. Just make it clear in your text which drug/section you are referring to. 

Print version

Include the following in your reference:

  • Author - Joint Formulary Committee.
  • Title - British National Formulary (BNF).
  • Edition (if not the first)
  • Place of publication - London:
  • Publisher -  BMJ Group and Pharmaceutical Press;
  • Year.

Use the format and punctuation shown in this example - update the edition and year to the one you are using:

  1. Joint Formulary Committee. British National Formulary (BNF) 88. London: BMJ Group and Pharmaceutical Press; 2024.

MedicinesComplete version

Include the following in your reference:

  • Author - Joint Formulary Committee
  • Title - British National Formulary (BNF) followed by the Update date - take this from the 'Publication last updated' date from the top of the page.
  • [Internet]
  • Year published (shown at the top of the screen) - take this from the 'Publication last updated' date from the top of the page.
  • [cited year month day] - the date you looked at it e.g. [cited 2025 Jan 4]
  • Available from:

Copy the format and punctuation of this example:

Full reference:
Joint Formulary Committee. British National Formulary (BNF). 10 December 2024 [Internet]. 2024 [cited 2025 Jan 4]. Available from:

Access BNF on MedicinesComplete

Use the link below to search the BNF on MedicinesComplete:

EndNote tips

For the print version

  • Use the Reference Type 'Book'
  • Fields to complete:
    • Author: Joint Formulary Committee, (make sure you put the comma after the name to make it format correctly)
    • Year: 
    • Title: British National Formulary (BNF) followed by Version number e.g. British National Formulary (BNF) 88
    • Place published:
    • Publisher:

For the online version:

  • Use the Reference Type 'Web Page'
  • Fields to complete:
    • Author: Joint Formulary Committee, (make sure you put the comma after the name to make it format correctly)
    • Year: take this from the 'Publication last updated' date from the top of the page
    • Title: followed by the update date e.g. British National Formulary (BNF). 10 December 2024 - take this from the 'Publication last updated' date from the top of the page
    • Type of Medium: Internet
    • Year Cited: in the format 2025
    • Date Cited: in the format month day e.g. Jan 4
    • URL:

Citing the BNF for children

Update July 2024: Licence conditions imposed by Pharmaceutical Press mean you are not permitted to use the BNFC on the NICE website or app. Instead you must use and cite the BNFC either in print or on the MedicinesComplete website following the guidance given below.

When citing the BNFC you only need one generic reference, not specific references for each drug or piece of information you have used. Just make it clear in your text which drug/section you are referring to. 

Print version

Include the following in your reference:

  • Author - Pediatric Formulary Committee
  • Title - BNF for children
  • Edition
  • Place of publication - London:
  • Publisher -  BMJ Group, Pharmaceutical Press and RCPCH Publications;
  • Year.

Use the format and punctuation shown in this example:

  1. Pediatric Formulary Committee. BNF for children. 20242-2025 ed. London: BMJ Group, Pharmaceutical Press and RCPCH Publications; 2024. 

Online version (MedicinesComplete)

Include the following in your reference:

  • Author - Pediatric Formulary Committee
  • Title - British National Formulary for children (BNFC)
  • Update date - take this from the 'Publication last updated' date from the top of the page.
  • [Internet]
  • Year published - take this from the 'Publication last updated' date from the top of the page.
  • [cited year month day] - the date you looked at it e.g. [cited 2025 Jan 7]
  • Available from:

Copy the format and punctuation shown of this example:

Full reference:
Pediatric Formulary Committee. British National Formulary for children (BNFC). 10 December 2024 [Internet]. 2024 [cited 2025 Jan 7]. Available from:

EndNote tips

For the print version

  • Use the Reference Type 'Book'
  • Fields to complete:
    • Author: Pediatric Formulary Committee, (make sure you put the comma after the name to make it format correctly)
    • Year:
    • Title: followed by version e.g. BNF for children 2024-2025
    • Place published: London
    • Publisher:  BMJ Group, Pharmaceutical Press and RCPCH Publications

For the online version:

  • Use the Reference Type 'Web Page'
  • Fields to complete:
    • Author: Pediatric Formulary Committee, (make sure you put the comma after the name to make it format correctly)
    • Year: take this from the 'Publication last updated' date from the top of the page.
    • Title: followed by the update date e.g. British National Formulary (BNF). 10 December 2024 - take this from the 'Publication last updated' date from the top of the page.
    • Type of Medium: Internet
    • Year Cited: in the format 2025
    • Date Cited: in the format month day e.g. Jan 7
    • URL:

Citing the British Pharmacopoeia

When citing the British Pharmacopoeia you only need one generic reference, not specific references for each drug or section you have used. Just make it clear in your text which drug/section you are referring to. 

Include the following in your reference:

  • Author - British Pharmacopoeia Commission
  • Title - British Pharmacopoeia
  • Version e.g. Ph. Eur. 11.7
  • [Internet]
  • Year
  • [cited year month day] - the date you looked at it e.g. [cited 2025 Jan 7]
  • Available from:

Use the format and punctuation shown in this example (make sure you change the Version and dates to match the ones you use):

  1. British Pharmacopoeia Commission. British Pharmacopoeia. Ph. Eur. 11.7 update [Internet]. 2025 [cited 2025 Jan 7]. Available from:

EndNote tips

  • Use the Reference Type 'Web Page'
  • Fields to complete:
    • Author: British Pharmacopoeia Commission, (make sure you put the comma after the name to make it format correctly)
    • Year: 
    • Title: followed by the update date e.g. British Pharmacopoeia. Ph. Eur. 11.7 update
    • Type of Medium: Internet
    • Year Cited: in the format 2025
    • Date Cited: in the format month day e.g. Jan 7
    • URL:

Access the British Pharmacopoeia

Citing BMJ Best Practice

These are the details to include:

  1. Author name(s) in the format 'Surname, Initials'. (Find these in the 'Contributors' box towards the bottom of the entry).
  2. Page title (in lower case apart from the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns) followed by BMJ Best Practice.
  3. [Internet]
  4. Year the topic was last updated (in brackets).
  5. [cited year month day] - the date you looked at it e.g. [cited 2024 Nov 18].
  6. Available from: followed by the web address of the page.

Copy the format and punctuation of this example.

  1. Umerah O. Asthma in adults. BMJ Best Practice [Internet]. 2024 [cited 2024 Dec 8]. Available from:

EndNote tips

  • Use the Reference Type 'Web Page'
  • Fields to complete:
    • Author: in the format surname, initials - each author on a separate line
    • Year: use the last updated date
    • Title: the title of the page (in lower case apart from the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns) followed by BMJ Best Practice.
    • Type of Medium: Internet
    • Year Cited: in the format 2024
    • Date Cited: in the format month day e.g. Dec 8
    • URL: paste in the web link.  

Citing NICE guidelines

Include the following in your reference:

  • Author - National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
  • Title of page/document including reference number in round brackets (capitalise only the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns)
  • [Internet]
  • Year created/updated 
  • [cited year month day] - the date you looked at it e.g. [cited 2022 Jun 18]
  • Available from: web link
    (For a shorter reference use the link for the webpage instead of the longer PDF link)

Use the format and punctuation shown in these examples:

  1. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Vaccine uptake in the general population (NG218) [Internet]. 2022 [cited 2024 Dec 9]. Available from:
  2. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Acute heart failure: diagnosis and management (CG187) [Internet]. 2021 [cited 2025 Jan 7]. Available from:

EndNote tips

  • Use the Reference Type 'Web Page'
  • Fields to complete:
    • Author: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), - make sure you put a comma after the name so it formats correctly
      Organisation as the author? Put a comma after the name to ensure it formats correctly e.g. British Nutrition Foundation,
    • Year: use the updated date for the page, if there isn't a date use 'no date'
    • Title: (in lower case apart from the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns)
    • Type of Medium: Internet
    • Year Cited: in the format 2025
    • Date Cited: in the format month day e.g. Jan 6
    • URL: paste in the web link

Citing local guidelines

Local guidelines, although authored by individuals, should be ratified by a designated committee therefore are the work of the organisation.

Print guidelines

Include the following in your reference:

  • Author - organisation name
  • Title of policy (capitalise only the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns) and Version
  • Place of publication
  • Publisher (usually the same as the author)
  • Year

Use the format and punctuation shown in this example:

  1. Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. Non-medical prescribing policy: Version 5. London: Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust; 2023.
Online guidelines

Include the following in your reference:

  • Author(s)/Organisation name
  • Title of page/document (capitalise only the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns) and Version
  • [Internet]
  • Year created/updated (for guidelines with no date just use the cited date)
  • [cited year month day] - the date you looked at it e.g. [cited 2025 Jan 8]
  • Available from: web link

Use the format and punctuation shown in this example:

  1. North East London Health & Care Partnership. North East London (NEL) management of infection guidance for primary care [Internet]. 2023 [cited 2025 Jan 8]. Available from:

EndNote tips

For print guidelines

  • Use the Reference Type 'Book'
  • Fields to complete:
    • Author: in the format surname, initials, each author on a separate line. If the author is an organisation put a comma after the name to make sure it formats correctly e.g. Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust,
    • Year:
    • Title: (in lower case apart from the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns) include the Version after the title e.g. Non-medical prescribing policy. Version 5
    • Place published:
    • Publisher:

For online guidelines

  • Use the Reference Type 'Web Page'
  • Fields to complete:
    • Author: in the format surname, initials, each author on a separate line.
      Organisation as the author? Put a comma after the name to ensure it formats correctly e.g. e.g. North East London Health & Care Partnership,
    • Year: 
    • Title: (in lower case apart from the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns)
    • Type of Medium: Internet
    • Year Cited: in the format 2025
    • Date Cited: in the format month day e.g. Jan 8
    • URL: paste in the web link

Citing Summaries of Product Characteristics (SmPCs) or Patient Information Leaflets (PILs) on the Electronic Medicines Compendium

Include the following in your reference:

  • Author - drug company who wrote the SmPC
  • Title (capitalise only the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns) followed by Electronic Medicines Compendium 
  • [Internet]
  • Year created/updated
  • [cited year month day] - the date you looked at it e.g. 2024 Jan 29
  • Available from: web link 

Use the format and punctuation shown in these examples.

  1. Wokhardt UK Ltd. Aciclovir 400mg tablets summary of product characteristics. Electronic Medicines Compendium [Internet]. 2017 [cited 2025 Jan 9]. Available from:
  1. Dermal Laboratories Limited. Ibugel patient information leaflet. Electronic Medicines Compendium [Internet]. 2024 [cited 2024 Dec 9]. Available from:

EndNote tips

  • Use the Reference Type 'Web Page'
  • Fields to complete:
    • Author: company name. Put a comma after the company name to ensure it formats correctly e.g. Accord-UK Ltd.,
    • Year: 
    • Title: (in lower case apart from the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns). Add ': Electronic Medicines Compendium' after the title.
    • Type of Medium: Internet
    • Year Cited: in the format 2024
    • Date Cited: in the format month day e.g. Dec 9
    • URL: paste in the web link

Citing systematic reviews in the Cochrane Library

Include the following in your reference:

  • Author(s) in the format Surname, Initials
  • Title of review
  • Year month day of review
  • In:
  • Title of database: The Cochrane Library
  • [Internet]
  • Issue number (find the issue number by clicking on the 'Cite this review' option on the right of the screen)
  • Article number
  • Available from: web address or DOI

Use the format and punctuation shown in this example:

  1. Morag I, Xiao YT, Bruschettini M. Cycled light in the intensive care unit for preterm and low birth weight infants. 2024 Dec 19. In: The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews [Internet]. Issue 12. Art. No.: CD006982. Available from:

EndNote tips

  • Use the Reference Type 'Electronic Book Section'
  • Fields to complete:
    • Author: in the format surname, initials - each author on a separate line
    • Title: title of the review - in lower case apart from the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns. Add the year month day of review after the title e.g. Cycled light in the intensive care unit for preterm and low birth weight infants. 2024 Dec 19.
    • Book title: The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
    • Edition: Issue 12. Article no.: CD006982
    • Type of Work: Internet
    • URL: paste in the web link

Note that the way you enter a Cochrane Review on EndNote for the Vancouver style is very different from the way you enter it for the Harvard style. It is not possible to reuse one entry in both styles.

Access The Cochrane Library

Citing clinical trials

If a trial is still ongoing you may need to refer to it directly instead of to a published paper. 

Include the following in your reference:

  • Author - primary contact for the trial
  • Trial title
  • In:
  • Database/registry name
  • [Internet]
  • Year
  • [cited year month day] - the date you looked at it e.g. [cited 2024 Dec 18]
  • Available from: DOI or web address

Use the format and punctuation shown in these examples:

  1. Crooks M. An investigation into how adding an inhaled steroid to COPD treatment may potentially protect against heart disease. In: ISRCTN Registry [Internet]. 2023 [cited 2024 Dec 18]. Available from:
  2. Lingor P. Safety, tolerability and symptomatic efficacy of the ROCK-inhibitor Fasudil in patients with Parkinson's disease. In: [Internet]. 2023 [cited 2024 Dec 9]. Available from:

EndNote tips

  • Use the Reference Type 'Web Page'
  • Fields to complete:
    • Author: in the format surname, initials - each author on a separate line
    • Year: 
    • Title (in lower case apart from the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns) followed by . In: [name of Database/Registry] e.g. Implementing improved asthma self-management as routine. In: ISRCTN Registry
    • Type of Medium: Internet
    • Year Cited: in the format 2024
    • Date Cited: in the format month day e.g. Dec 20
    • URL: paste in the web link

Note that the way you enter a Clinical Trial on EndNote for the Vancouver style is very different from the way you enter it for the Harvard style. It is not possible to reuse one entry in both styles.

Citing materials posted on Blackboard

Always check with the academic who set the assignment if you are allowed to refer to course materials in your own work. It is preferable to do your own research and use published sources, such as articles and books, instead of referring to lecture materials.

Include the following in your reference:

  • Author's name in the format Surname Initials
  • Title of document/presentation as given on Blackboard
  • Format in square brackets e.g. [PowerPoint presentation, Lecture notes, Recorded lecture, Handout]
  • Place of publication:
  • Institution;
  • Course details, date
  • [cited year month day] - the date you looked at it e.g. [cited 2024 Jan 18]
  • Available from:
    Note that you do not need to give the specific web address for the material you are citing. The address for Blackboard is sufficient.

Copy the format and punctuation of these examples.

Example 1: PowerPoint slides

Cottrell G. Proteins and protein structure [PowerPoint presentation]. Reading: University of Reading; PM1PY2: Fundamentals of Cell Biology; 2024 [cited 2024 Dec 2]. Available from:

Example 2: Handout with no date

University of Reading. Direct observation of procedural skills (DOPS) assessment form [Handout] Reading: University of Reading; PM2PY1: Professional Practice 2. [cited 2024 Nov 30]. Available from:

EndNote tips

  • Use the 'Web Page' Reference Type
  • Fields to complete:
    • Author: in the format surname, initials - each author on a separate line
    • Year: 
    • Title: (in lower case apart from the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns)
    • Place published: Reading
    • Publisher: University of Reading
    • Type of Medium: add the Format here e.g. PowerPoint presentation, Lecture notes, Recorded lecture, Handout
    • Contents: module code and title e.g. PM2PY1: Professional Practice 2
    • Year Cited: in the format 2024
    • Date Cited: in the format month day e.g. Dec 20
    • URL:

Note that even with the information entered as above EndNote will not quite format the reference correctly - the module details will be in the wrong place. To correct this, as a final step before submission, create a plain text version of your document. Go to the EndNote toolbar in Word and select 'Convert citations and bibliography' to 'Plain text' (this will be under 'Tools' on the Mac version of the toolbar). This will create a copy of your document which is divorced from EndNote so that you can make final tweaks to the references.

Using Desktop EndNote for referencing


EndNote will help you manage and cite your references. When you insert references in Word it will take care of the order and numbering.


Use the guide and videos below to teach yourself how to use Desktop EndNote to manage your references and insert them in Word documents. 

The University has a site licence for EndNote which covers installation on personal computers. Go to the DTS Self-Service Portal to get the software. Note that you will need to have the full version of Office installed before installing EndNote so that the EndNote toolbar can be added to Word (it is also possible to use it with the online version of Word if you have set up the 'Sync' option). You can install Office by logging in to with your University credentials and clicking on 'Install Office' in the top right of the screen.

Make sure you save your EndNote library file to the hard drive of your computer not iCloud or OneDrive, or to a location which is being automatically backed up to the cloud. The Applications area on a Mac, or the Program Files area on a Windows computer should be okay.

Important note for Mac users: If you are Mac user please be aware that once you have installed EndNote it won’t be obvious it is open as it won’t fill the screen until you create a file. Look for the EndNote toolbar across the top of your screen and click ‘File’ then ‘New’ to create a file. It will then fill your screen.

Step-by-step guide

This guide covers:

  • downloading and installing the software
  • adding references to EndNote
  • managing and editing references
  • using EndNote with Word to create Citations and a Reference list 
Introductory videos

Watch this series of videos to find out how to use Desktop EndNote.