This guide will help researchers at the University of Reading to publish their longform research publications Open Access. Longform publications are:
Does my funder require me to publish my book/chapter Open Access and will they fund it?
Use our Policies page to find your funder's policy and what you need to do to comply. Go to our Paying for Open Access page to access funding.
I have a UKRI grant. How and when do I apply for funding for Open Access for books/chapters?
Go to our Paying for Open Access page to complete a request form. You must submit the request before signing a contract with the publisher.
I am not externally funded. Are there any funds in the University to pay for Open Access books/chapters?
The University does not have a central fund to pay Open Access costs, with the exception of a very small competitive fund for REF. See our Paying for Open Access page for options for unfunded researchers.
How do I find a publisher for Open Access books in my discipline?
Go to our Publishers page to find appropriate publishers.
Can I add my manuscript to CentAUR?
Many publishers will permit a small percentage of your book, such as a single chapter, to be open on CentAUR after an embargo period. This is usually the author final manuscript but some publishers prefer you to use their version. Go to our Publishers page to find your publisher's policy.
How can I publish my journal article Open Access?
This guide is only about books and chapters. Go to our LibGuide, Publish Journal Articles Open Access.
For help and support with queries about Open Access, please contact the Open Access requests team at University of Reading. The first point of contact is by email to
The Open Access requests team: Lindsay Warwick, Sophie Dorman, Timothy Landricombe, Alison Sutton, Karen Rowlett (L-R)