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Online Reading Lists: a guide for Academic Staff

A guide to using the Talis Online Reading Lists system for academic staff

Annual rollover of online reading lists

At the end of each academic year, the Annual rollover of reading lists takes please. This creates a copy of existing reading lists for modules continuing in the next academic year. Each online reading list is labelled with a time period to indicate the year and semester in which it is used  e.g. an Semster 1 2024 list will be copied over to Semester 1 2025.

If you notice that a time period for your list is incorrect, please contact your Academic Liaison Librarian.

When your list has been rolled over, you will receive an email to let you know that the new version is ready to edit and to link to your new course in Blackboard. 

Please do not create your own copies of reading lists for continuing modules. This can create confusion when linking to Blackboard, editing, and obtaining resources, and will break the links for any scanned chapters on your list.


What happens to last year's list?

Once rollover has taken place, all previous years' online reading lists will be retained and archived in the online Reading List system. Archived lists no longer appear in general searches of the system by most users, and can no longer be edited. They are still available on a “read-only” basis to Library staff through reports, List Owners (module convenors), and anyone with a direct link. 

  • If you require 'read-only' access to the list, and it is not saved in your 'My Lists' area, please contact your Academic Liaison Librarian who can provide a link.
  • If a copy of an archived list is required for the new academic year (e.g. if a module runs in alternate years) your Academic Liaison Librarian can create a new version of your archived list, and share the new link with you.