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Film, theatre and television: Citing references

A guide to finding information in film, theatre and television. Includes links to key resources and sources of help.

General guidance

References in a thesisWhenever you refer to another person's work in your own essay, dissertation or article you must acknowledge them and give full details of your source. You risk being accused of plagiarism if you fail to do so.

The Film, Theatre & Television department asks students to use the MHRA Author-Date referencing style - for detailed information regarding this format, you can consult the Programme Handbook available on Blackboard and the examples below.

For help with citing specific types of publication contact your librarian (details below).

For general information on referencing, including an explanation of different citation systems, and guidance on citing specific types of publication, see our Citing references guide.

For advice on using references in your work, and how to use them to support your arguments, consult the guidance on the Study Advice website or make an appointment with them.

MHRA Introduction

MHRA have updated their referencing guidance during Spring 2024 in a new 4th edition of their Style Guide. 

There are a few small changes from the earlier 3rd ed style guide, the main change being that you no longer need to include the place of publication for books.

The Department of Film, Theatre & Television permit assessed work which follows 3rd ed practices, provided that they are applied properly and consistently. You can find examples of how to reference according to the new 4th ed below.


MHRA 4th ed. Author-Date referencing for Film Theatre & Television

Film, Theatre and Television prefers the Author-Date version of MHRA referencing.

In-text citations are brief (including author, year and page number where appropriate) and placed in brackets in the body of the text NOT in footnotes, like this (Guest 2022: 85). Full details (including editions and translation details if appropriate) are listed in the Bibliography, alphabetically by author / editor's surname, like this;


Guest, Natalie. 2022. How to do MHRA author-date referencing. (Useful Press)

Films, TV programmes are listed separately in a Filmography and Teleography.

See the examples on the tabs across the top of this box for how to reference specific types of material.

Multiple works by the same author in your Bibliography?

If you have more than one work by the same author, in the bibliography put the works in date order and after the first work replace the author / editor's name with 2-em dashes, eg:

Stafford, Roy. 2007. Understanding Audiences and the Film Industry (British Film Institute)
—— 2014. The Global Film Book (Routledge)
If you have more than one work by the same author also published in the same year, distinguish between them by adding a letter after the date (eg. 2015a, 2015b). In your bibliography, put them in alphabetical order by title.

Corrigan, Timothy. 2015a. The Film Experience: An introduction, 4th edn (Palgrave Macmillan)
 —— 2015b. A Short Guide to Writing about Film (Pearson Education)
You can find the em dash in Word under Insert >> Symbol>> More symbols >> Special Characters



Capitalise the first word of the title, the first word of any subtitle (eg the first word after the colon,) and all principle words. So for example, The film experience : an introduction becomes The Film Experience : An introduction


Page and Date ranges

If you ever need to add a page or date range to your references, make sure you use an en-dash instead of a hyphen, eg. pp 1–5, 2023–2024 
You can find the en dash in Word under Insert >> Symbol>> More symbols >> Special Characters
EN dash under Insert > Symbol > Special Characters in Word


For more information (but always check your course handbook first!):

Chapter 7.13 & 8.4 (for the Author-Date system). Chapters 7 shows examples of different reference types, and what information to include in them but laid out for footnote referencing - remember to change the layout of these examples to author-date style in your bibliography, by reversing the first author's name to surname, firstname and move the date immediately after the author's name as explained in chapter 8.4. MHRA style guide.


In-text: (Author surname Year: page)
In bibliography: Author Surname, Author Firstname. Year. Title of book (Publisher)


In Text: (Nieland 2012: 38)
In Bibliography: Nieland, Justus. 2012. David Lynch (University of Illinois Press)

Example of a subsequent edition of a book

Add details of the edition after the title in the format 2nd edn

In Text: (Mayes 2022: 42)
In Bibliography: Mayes, Sean and Sarah Whitfield. 2022. An Inconvenient Black History of British Musical Theatre: 1900-1950, 3rd edn (Methuen Drama)

What if my book has editors?
List the editors names in the same place and in the same way as authors, but add (ed) or (eds) after, like this;

Maurice, Alice (ed). 2022. Faces on Screen: New Approaches (Edinburgh University Press)


What if my book is an e-book? 
If your e-book is an online version of the print book you don't need to do anything different - reference it the same as the print version. If there is a DOI for your e-book, you can include this at the end of the reference in your bibliography, like this;

Haughton, Miriam. (2025) The Theatre of Louise Lowe (Cambridge University Press) doi:10.1017/9781009279512


Hang on - what's a doi?

DOI stands for Digital Object Identifier - it's an identifying number given to academic journal articles, books, chapters and reports that you can access online. Often when looking at an article online you will see the DOI in it's URL format, eg. 

Not all books have a DOI, but if yours does you can add it like this - start this with doi: and then copy and paste just the numbers from the URL, (miss off eg. doi:10.1215/02705346-2008-011 
Only reverse the First author / editor's name - any further names should appear Firstname Surname with no separating comma.


Book with two authors / editors:

In-text: (Author surname and Author Surname Year: page)
In bibliography: Author Surname, Author Firstname and Author Firstname Author Surname. Year. Title of book (Publisher)


In Text: (Dwyer and Patel 2002: 79)
In Bibliography: Dwyer, Rachel and Divia Patel. 2002. Cinema India: The Visual Culture of Hindi Film (Reaktion)

Book with three authors / editors:

In-text: (Author surname, Author Surname and Author Surname Year: page)
In bibliography: Author Surname, Author Firstname, Author Firstname Author Surname and Author Firstname Author Surname. Year. Title of book (Publisher)


In Text: (Cardwell, Bignell and Donaldson 2023: 145)
In Bibliography: Cardwell, Sarah, Jonathan Bignell and Lucy Fife Donaldson (eds). 2023. Epic/Everyday: Moments in Television (Manchester University Press)

Book with four or more authors / editors:

In-text: (Author surname, and others Year: page)
In bibliography: Author Surname, Author Firstname and others. Year. Title of book (Publisher)


In Text: (Baer and others 2019: 89)
In Bibliography: Baer, Nicholas, and others (eds). 2019. Unwatchable (Rutgers University Press)

In-text: (Author surname Year: page)

In bibliography: Chapter Author Surname, Chapter Author Firstname. Year. 'Title of Chapter', in Title of book, ed. by Editor Name Editor Surname (Publisher), pp. page–page


In-text: (Hark 1992: 158)
In bibliography: Hark, Ina Rae. 1992. 'Animals or Romans: Looking at Masculinity in Spartacus', in Screening the Male: Exploring Masculinities in Hollywood Cinema, ed. by Steven Cohan and Ina Rae Hark (Routledge), pp. 151–172.

Remember - don't reverse the names of the editors of the book - they should appear Firstname Surname. 

Journal article:

In-text: (Author surname Year: page)

In bibliography: Author Surname, Author Firstname. Year. 'Title of Article', Title of Journal, Volume.Part: pp. page–page, doi:doi number


In-text: (Bucciferro 2021: 179)
In Bibliography: Bucciferro, Claudia. 2021. 'Representations of Gender and Race in Ryan Coogler's Film Black Panther: Disrupting Hollywood Tropes', Critical Studies in Media Communication, 38.2: pp. 169–82, doi:10.1080/15295036.2021.1889012

Example of a journal where there is only a volume number, and no part / issue number:

In-text: (Rushing 2008: 162)
In Bibliography: Rushing, Robert A. 2008. 'Gentlemen Prefer Hercules: Desire, Identification, Beefcake', Camera Obscura, 69: pp. 158–191, doi:10.1215/02705346-2008-011


Hang on - what's a doi?

DOI stands for Digital Object Identifier - it's an identifying number given to academic journal articles, books, chapters and reports that you can access online. Often when looking at an article online you will see the DOI in it's URL format, eg. 

MHRA author-date style requires all journal articles references have a DOI at the end - start this with doi: and then copy and paste just the numbers from the URL, (miss off eg. doi:10.1215/02705346-2008-011

In-text: (Author surname Year)

In bibliography: Author surname, Author firstname. Year. 'Title of Webpage or Article', Platform or publisher / website name, Day Month of publication <url> [accessed DD Month Year].


In-text: (Williams 2023)
In Bibliography: Williams, Holly. 2023. 'Noel Coward: The Dark Side of the Quintessential Englishman', BBC Culture, 5 June <> [accessed 4 June 2024]

What if my website doesn't have a named author, or date?
For webpages without a named author, you can use the name of the organisation / company who is responsible for the website instead. For example;

In-text: (Equity 2023)
In Bibliography: Equity. 2023. 'Code of Conduct for Auditions', Equity, 19 July <> [accessed 12 March 2024].

To find out the date of a webpage which doesn't list a published / updated date on the page itself, try doing a special type of Google search - follow the instructions in this article

If that also fails, you can use n.d. to indicate 'no date' - put n.d. in place of the year.

Google inurl search showing published date for Equity webpage



Films should be listed separately to other references in a Filmography.

You'll probably be mentioning the name / title of the film in the text of your sentence, and in this circumstance just put the year in brackets;

In-text: (Year)
In bibliography: Director Surname, Director Firstname, dir. Year. Title of the film (Country)


In-text: (1982)
In bibliography: Scott, Ridley, dir. 1982. Blade Runner (USA)

Television programmes

TV programmes should be listed separately to other references in a teleography.

Episode of TV programme

In-text: 'Episode Title' (Year)
​In telography: 'Episode title'. Year. Programme Title (Channel or Streaming Service, Year–Year), series/season number, episode number.


In-text: 'A study in pink' (2010) 
In telography:  'A study in pink'. 2010. Sherlock (BBC 1, 2010–17), series 1, episode 1.

Whole TV programme

In-text: Programme title (Year–Year)
In telography: Programme Title. Year–Year (Channel or Streaming Service)


In-text: Stranger Things (2016–)
In telography: Stranger Things. 2016– (Netflix)

There is no guidance in the MHRA guide for play performances. Below is a suggestion of how to reference a live performance in a consistant way that blends with MHRA author-date style.

These should be listed separately to other references in a performance list.

In-text: Play Title (Director surname, dir. Year)
In bibliography: Director surname, Director firstname, dir. Year. Play Title (Theatre company: Theatre name, Day Month Year–Day Month Year performance ran)


In-text:(Lloyd, dir. 2012)
In bibliography: Lloyd, Phyllida, dir. 2012. Julius Caesar (Donmar Warehouse: Donmar King's Cross, 4 December 2012–9 February 2013)

What if I don't know the theatre and date of performance?

If you are unsure of performance dates and details, try using Theatre Record to look up the play / playwright - it's an online journal that records theatre performances with review articles.

In-text: (Author or Creator surname Year)
In bibliography: Author or Creator surname, Author or creator firstname. Year. 'Title of video', Platform name, DD Month it was posted, <url> [accessed DD Month Year].

What if my video doesn't have a named author or creator?
This is very common, don't worry, you can use the social media handle or name of the organisation who posted the video instead, as in the example below.



In-text: (Steppenwolf Theatre Company 2017)
In Bibliography: Steppenwolf Theatre Company. 2017. 'Antoinette Nwandu on PASS OVER', YouTube, 20 April <> [accessed 15 March 2024].

Underneath your film / television still, or any kind of image, you need a short caption with the following;

  • Figure number, Written FIG. 1, FIG. 2 etc (number images consecutively in the order they appear.)
  • Short description including the film / TC programme title (in italics) and Director's name
  • Production company  or Studio and year in brackets

Your caption should describe the image - so perhaps describe the scene / actors / characters / lighting depending on what your analysis discusses (but keep it short, you can put your full analysis in your paragraph of text and refer to the Figure number there.) You should also include the full reference to the source of your image in your Filmography, Teleography, or Bibliography.


Paragraph of text analysing the film drawing specific reference to what you are illustrating with the film still – say what you want to say about it (Figure 1.)






FIG. 1 Vertigo Sea (2015), dir. John Akomfrah, uses footage of nature, human exploitation and
migration in an ecopolitical examination of our relationship with the ocean.


Akomfrah, John, dir. 2015. Vertigo Sea.

Note – my example is not on general release, but if your film is you should include the country of production in your full reference in the Filmography, eg Ford, John dir. 1940. The Grapes of Wrath (USA)

In-text: (Author surname Year: page)

In bibliography: Author Surname, Author Firstname. Year. 'Title of Thesis' (unpublished doctoral thesis, University name) 


In-text: (Knox 2005: 89)
In bibliography: Knox, Simone. 2005. 'Text and Theory: Reading Postmodern Critical Discourses and Contemporary Film and Television' (unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Reading)

If the thesis you consulted is online, you should include a URL and access date in the bibliography entry;

In bibliography: Ghosh, Shweta. 2021. ‘We Make Film: Filmmaking and Creative Expression by People with Disabilities in Contemporary Urban India’ (unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Reading) <> [accessed 18 April 2024]

Tip! Double check the thesis you are referencing is a Doctoral (PhD) thesis. American Universities call Masters dissertations, masters theses, and PhD theses, doctoral dissertations so just make sure whatever is in your parentheses before the University name describes the correct level of study, doctoral or masters. If you are unsure, look at the information on the title page of the thesis you are using.

In-text: (Composer name Year)

In bibliography: Name of composer. Year. Title of song or music. Performer details if different to composer (Record label name if available)


In-text: (The Beatles 1967)
In bibliography: The Beatles. 1967. Penny Lane/Strawberry Fields Forever (EMI)

Referencing styles for MA Creative Enterprise

Check the referencing style which is required for any specific modules you are studying. Particular referencing styles are preferred by certain academic disciplines because they work better with the kind of texts that are most commonly used in that discipline. Your School/Department might recommend more than one style for use in different types of assignment. 

The departments of Film Theatre & Television, Art and Typography and Graphic Communication, the Law School and Business School all recommend different styles of referencing to their students - see below for more information and links to help.


School/Department Style(s) used Further information
Film, Theatre and Television MHRA (author-date version) FTT citing references guide
Henley Business School Harvard HBS citing references guide
Law OSCOLA Law citing references guide


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Natalie Guest
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0118 3783415


EndNote logoWhen you do your dissertation you could consider using EndNote to manage your references. This bibliographic management package can be used to store references, and then insert the citation in your Word document, automatically building the bibliography for you in the correct style.

Find out more on our EndNote webpages:

For information on other options for electronic management of your references see our guide to Managing references: