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Natalie Guest

She / Her
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Natalie Guest
She / Her
Get my help with finding relevant books and articles for your research, help with accessing library materials and collections, referencing and reference management software.

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0118 3783415

My Guides

Last update: May 28, 2024 906 views
Last update: Jul 17, 2024 508 views
English Literature
Last update: Jul 17, 2024 1791 views
Last update: Aug 12, 2022 193 views
Last update: Jul 17, 2024 729 views
Last update: Jul 17, 2024 7114 views
Last update: Apr 18, 2024 9 views
Last update: Jul 17, 2024 810 views
Last update: Jul 24, 2024 758 views
Keeping up-to-date
Last update: May 13, 2024 651 views
Language learning
Last update: Jul 26, 2024 526 views
Languages and Cultures
Last update: Jul 17, 2024 654 views
MA Creative Enterprise
Last update: Jul 17, 2024 93 views
Shakespeare on Film
Last update: Jul 17, 2024 112 views
Last update: Jul 17, 2024 1017 views