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Language learning: Websites

A guide to Library resources for those learning a new language

There are many freely available websites which you can use to enhance your learning of a new language.  These include websites which offer language learning courses or websites about the culture and history of a particular country.  Below is a selection of websites which may be useful.  It would be good if more could be added, so if you know of a particularly useful website which has helped you learn a language or find out more about the culture of a country, please let your subject librarian know.

Language learning courses

General language learning website

Language learning websites by language

Click on the tabs above to explore other languages.
British Sign Language
Modern Greek

Academic English

Academic English is the type of English you need for understanding your study materials and writing and speaking about your subject. If you read a journal article, take part in a seminar, write an essay or produce a reflective account of group working, academic English is probably being used. Developing your academic English can help you get more from your degree and achieve your full potential.

Tips on evaluating websites


Before believing the information given on a web site, or quoting it in your essay or project, think about the following:


  • Who is responsible for the page/site?
  • Is it a reliable organisation (eg a well known university) or a subject expert?
  • Can you trust them?

Accuracy and reliability

  • Is the information correct?
  • Is the grammar and spelling correct?
  • Is it complete, or are they just giving one point of view?
  • Do they have their own agenda eg political organisations?
  • Is the information fact or opinion?


  • Can you tell how up-to-date it is?
  • Is it regularly updated?
  • You don't want to quote out-of-date information

Audience / relevance

  • Is the information of the right level to be quoted in your project? If it is aimed at the general public or school children it might not be!


  • Is the site well structured and easy to navigate?
  • Are the links from the page up-to-date and valid?
  • If it is well designed and maintained then you can feel more confident about the information it provides