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Publish Journal Articles Open Access: Policies

This guide contains information relevant to staff and students wanting to publish their journal articles Open Access.

If your research is funded by an external organisation such as the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Research Councils or charities such as the British Heart Foundation, you may have an obligation to publish your work Open Access. Failure to do so may affect your ability to apply for new funding in the future. 

Check the requirements of your funder and make sure that you comply with their Open Access policies.  


The University policy applies to all staff and students publishing peer reviewed research. 

The University believes that decisions about where research is published should be made by the authors. However, the following should be noted in relation to Open Access:

  • As soon as accepted for publication, staff and students are required to deposit the author-final version of all journal articles and conference proceedings in CentAUR (Green Open Access).
  • Staff and students are encouraged to publish their articles via the Gold Open Access route where deals with publishers or funds to pay for Open Access publication charges are available.
  • Staff and students must comply with funders' conditions about Open Access.

This was introduced by Research England for the 2021 REF. It continues to apply to the current REF cycle (2029) until a new REF OA policy is announced (expected timescale late 2024).

The policy requires final versions of journal articles, and conference proceedings with an ISSN, to be deposited in an Open Access repository no later than 3 months after acceptance for publication, in order to be eligible for the Outputs component of the Research Excellence Framework (REF).

Outputs which have been deposited within 3 months of acceptance will comply with the policy, either by meeting the policy’s Open Access requirements or will be covered by its exceptions.

Process for University of Reading researchers
  1. Deposit the author final manuscript of journal articles and conference proceedings in CentAUR as soon as accepted for publication. (If your publisher says you have to wait before depositing your article in a repository, upload it immediately and CentAUR staff will close access to comply with the publisher policy).
  2. If you are unable to deposit your author final version as soon as it is accepted for publication, please email for advice about allowable exceptions.

Even if your article is published as gold Open Access, you should still make sure that you upload the article to CentAUR as soon as possible after acceptance. 

The policy applies to:
  • peer-reviewed research articles, including reviews and conference proceedings, submitted for publication on or after 1 April 2022
  • monographs, book chapters and edited collections published on or after 1 January 2024
Who does it affect?

It applies to authors whose publications result from funding from UKRI:

  • Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)
  • Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)
  • Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
  • Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
  • Innovate UK
  • Medical Research Council (MRC)
  • Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)
  • Research England
  • Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)

Further information on how to comply with the policy for Journal Articles are below. For Monographs, Book Chapters and Edited Collections see the Open Access for Books Libguide.


Before submitting a manuscript to the publisher
  1. Check that the journal is compliant with either Route 1 or Route 2 described below. 
  2. For Route 1, check that the University has funds or publisher agreements in place to cover any Gold Open Access publishing costs. Check the publisher deals and complete the Library's OA request form to secure funding if an invoice will be issued by the publisher. If funding is not available, you will need to comply via Route 2. 
  3. For Route 2, notify your publisher that you will be applying a CC BY licence to your submission 
Circular badge with I support open access in gold colour

Route 1. (Gold Open Access) Publish your article as Gold Open Access with a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence. The Version of Record must be available for access and download as soon as it is published. Route 1 includes publication in:

  • a fully Open Access (pure gold) journal, OR
  • a subscription (hybrid) journal which permits a CC BY licence and access as soon as published, OR
  • a subscription (hybrid) journal in a Transformative Agreement 

Route 2. (Green Open Access) Publish your article in a subscription journal and deposit the Author's Accepted Manuscript (or the Version of Record if it is permitted by the publisher) in the institutional repository, CentAUR. It must have a CC BY licence. No embargoes are permitted.

Apply licensing requirements

UKRI requires the Open Access version of a research article to be published under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence. This applies to both Route 1 and Route 2.

For Route 2 article submissions, the following text must be included in the funding acknowledgement section of the manuscript and any cover letter/note accompanying the submission:

For the purpose of open access, the author has applied a ‘Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence (where permitted by UKRI, ‘Open Government Licence’ or ‘Creative Commons Attribution No-derivatives (CC BY ND) licence’ may be stated instead) to any Author Accepted Manuscript version arising

There are exceptions to this licence:

  • An Open Government Licence (OGL) can be used when a research article is subject to Crown Copyright.
  • While a CC BY licence is appropriate in most cases, UKRI may permit, on a case-by case basis, the use of a more restrictive Creative Commons Attribution No-derivatives (CC BY ND) licence for the Open Access version of a research article.
    • To request this exception (this must be in advance of publication) apply via the UKRI form for a No-Derivatives Licence exception.
    • If a publisher rejects your submission, advises you will need to pay for Open Access or changes the terms of publication, contact for advice.
Include a Data Access Statement

UKRI requires in-scope research articles to include a Data Access Statement, even where there are no data associated with the article or the data are inaccessible.

Other requirements 

Some research councils have further requirements regarding deposit in specialist repositories and making preprints available. Check the terms and conditions of the offer document.

Under Horizon 2020, beneficiaries of ERC grants must ensure Open Access (free of charge, online access for any user) to all peer-reviewed scientific publications relating to its results. The detailed requirements on Open Access to publications are contained in the Horizon 2020 ERC Model Grant Agreement (Article 29.2).

Who does it affect?

All grant holders. It applies to:

  • Open Access to all peer-reviewed journal articles (required)
  • monographs, books, conference proceedings and grey literature (strongly advised).
How to comply with the policy 
Before submitting a manuscript to the publisher

1. Ensure that the publisher offers an Open Access option compliant with the Gold or Green routes defined below. 

2. Check that you have funds to cover the Open Access publishing costs. Charges are eligible for reimbursement from the grant during the duration of the project. If the grant has closed you will need to comply with the funder's policy via the Green Open Access route.

If funds are not available, investigate publication on the dedicated platform, Open Research Europe. This platform has been funded by the European Commission for 4 years to publish research from funders who received a Horizon 2020 or Horizon Europe grant. Researchers who received funding are not charged an APC for publication. 

After acceptance

3. Archive your peer-reviewed manuscript in a suitable repository as soon as accepted for publication. ERC strongly encourages ERC funded researchers to use discipline-specific repositories for their publications. Also, deposit it in CentAUR.

4. Make the final version of the article Open Access, by either the Green or Gold Open Access route:

Green Open Access route - archive a final version in a repository as soon as accepted for publication. The maximum embargo periods permitted are 6 months for STEM disciplines, and 12 months for Humanities and Social Sciences.

Gold Open Access route - publish it as Open Access on the publisher's website, and archive a copy in CentAUR. It should be available immediately, without embargo. Authors are encouraged to retain copyright and grant an adequate licence to publishers e.g. CC BY. The minimum requirement is that the licence must allow people to read, download and print an article.

Acknowledge your funder

If the repository allows for this, beneficiaries of ERC grants are strongly encouraged to ensure that the bibliographic metadata also includes additional information such as the European Research Council (ERC) as funding source, the grant number, the title of the action and its acronym, the publication date, and the length of the embargo period (if applicable). For ease of tracking, beneficiaries should include the digital object identifier for the 'European Research Council' ( in the funding acknowledgement field in their metadata, in addition to the digital object identifier for 'Horizon 2020' (

Archive research data

In Horizon 2020 the European Commission has been encouraging Open Access to and reuse of digital research data generated by Horizon 2020 projects through the Open Research Data Pilot (ORD Pilot), following FAIR data principles - all research data should be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR)

Picture of a British Heart Foundation charity shopResearch funded by the British Heart Foundation should be made freely available to the broader scientific community and to the public to maximise its reach and benefit.

Who does it affect?

All Grantholders funded wholly or in part by the British Heart Foundation. It applies to:

  • peer-reviewed primary research papers
  • non-commissioned review articles
How to comply with the policy 
Before submitting a manuscript to the publisher
  1. Ensure that the publisher offers an Open Access option compliant with the Gold or Green routes defined below. Check the journal title on SHERPA FACT. BHF is aware of a small number of journals that are non-compliant with its open access policy. If a researcher wants to publish in a journal that will not allow deposition in Europe PMC and Open Access within 6 months of publication, the author must contact BHF in advance for permission to use that journal/publisher. 
  2. Check that the University has funds or publisher agreements in place to cover any Gold Open Access publishing costs. If the journal is not listed in SciFree, or is a fully Open Access (pure gold) journal, you should complete the Library's Open Access request form before submission. If funding is not available, you will need to comply via the Green Open Access route. 

Exclusions: The University receives a small block grant from the British Heart Foundation to cover Open Access publication charges. The terms of the grant do not cover charges associated with commissioned or invited review articles, conference proceedings, editorials, letters or commentaries and any other charges associated with publication, such as page and colour charges.

Gold Open Access route

The published version of record must be immediately available without restriction on the publisher website and deposited in Europe PMC. The article must have a CC BY licence. Deposition in Europe PMC is usually handled by the publisher of your article but you should check that this will be included in their processes. 

Green Open Access route

The author final version of the article after peer review must be available without restriction in Europe PMC no later than 6 months after publication. If the publisher offers to deposit it, select this option. If not, then the author should upload it via the Europe PMC submission system.

Acknowledge your funder

It is a condition of the grant that Grant Holders acknowledge BHF support by quoting “British Heart Foundation” followed by the award reference number in the appropriate section of all publications arising from BHF funded research.

The overarching aim of the Open Access (OA) policy is to make sure that knowledge and discoveries resulting from Wellcome Trust funding are shared and used in a way that maximises their benefit to health.

Who does it affect?

Grant recipients whose publications include original research that is funded in whole, or in part, by Wellcome. It applies to:

  • journal articles
  • scholarly monographs and book chapters
How to comply with the policy for Journal articles
Before submitting a manuscript to the publisher:

Use the Journal Checker Tool to check if your preferred journal enables you to comply with the Wellcome Trust policy and to decide which of the  routes described below that you should take.

1. Ensure that the publisher supports the following Open Access criteria:

  • the article will be made freely available through PubMed Central (PMC) and Europe PMC by the official final publication date
  • published under a Creative Commons attribution licence (CC BY), unless the funder has agreed, as an exception, to allow publication under a CC BY ND licence.

2. Ensure that the journal accepts that the Author Accepted Manuscripts arising from submissions from Wellcome-funded researchers will already be licensed under a prior CC BY licence

3. Ensure that you have funds to cover the cost of any Open Access publishing charges. 

  • Fully Open Access journals: Wellcome Trust will cover fair and reasonable costs for fully Open Access (pure gold) journals that are indexed by the Directory of Open Access journals.
  • Subscription journals: Subscription journals covered by a Library Transformative Agreement will not incur Open Access publishing costs. The Welcome Trust does not pay Open Access costs for hybrid (subscription) journals not included in these agreements.  

There are three publishing routes you can follow to comply with Wellcome’s policy. Routes 1 and 2 are preferred.

Route 1: Publish in a fully Open Access (pure gold) journal or platform.

Route 2: Publish in a hybrid (subscription) journal through a transformative arrangement that is available to you via your organisation.

Route 3: Publish in a subscription journal and take responsibility for making the Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) freely available from Europe PMC at the time of publication.

Acknowledge your funder

Grant holders must also include the following statement on all submissions of original research to peer-reviewed journals:

'This research was funded in whole, or in part, by the Wellcome Trust [Grant number]. For the purpose of Open Access, the author has applied a CC BY public copyright licence to any Author Accepted Manuscript version arising from this submission.'

Make data and software available

All research articles supported in whole, or in part, by Wellcome must include a statement explaining how other researchers can access any data, original software or materials underpinning the research. This is in line with the funder's data, software and materials management and sharing policy.


All Wellcome-funded researchers are strongly encouraged to:

  • post preprints of their work
  • publish them under a CC BY licence on a platform that is indexed in Europe PMC.

Where there is a significant public health benefit to preprints being shared widely and rapidly, such as a disease outbreak, the posting of preprints is required.

Further information 

Authors should consult the Wellcome Trust web pages. These include advice on definitions, deposit processes, exceptions and waivers, meeting Open Access costs, step-by step processes and links to forms and templates.

The Leverhulme Trust does not have a mandate for Open Access and has made no stipulations regarding mandatory archiving or Open Access publication for grant holders (last checked September 2024). 

It is possible to include Open Access charges in your budget when you apply for funding from the Trust. If you need help in estimating APCs for planned outputs, please contact the oarequests team.

The Open Access charges must be incurred during the period of the grant. If the costs are not incurred during the life of the grant, funds allocated for Open Access must be returned to the Trust. 

The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) has an Open Access Policy that is based on 4 principles

  1. Articles must be immediately, freely and openly accessible to all. 
    This means that the most up to date Version of Record or the Author Accepted Manuscript of in-scope articles must be made freely available through PubMed Central (PMC) and Europe PMC by the official final publication date, without any embargo period.
  2. There should be no barriers to the re-use and dissemination of NIHR funded articles.
    All articles must use either a CC BY or OGL licence. Prior approval is required to use a more restrictive CC BY ND licence.
  3. Articles must be freely discoverable through PMC and Europe PMC. Articles must also include acknowledgment of NIHR funding and a data sharing statement. 
  4. NIHR will pay reasonable fees to enable immediate Open Access.
    When an Open Access payment is applicable, for example an APC, NIHR will pay reasonable fees required by a publisher to effect publication in line with the criteria of this policy.

Many funders and sponsors have requirements or have expressed a preference that research publications resulting from their grants are made Open Access. The agreements that you have signed will specifiy what you need to do. 

Use SHERPA/JULIET to find summaries of and links to funders' Open Access policies