Help the Library to diversify its collections. If there are ethnicity or race-related titles you would like to see in the Library collection to help support your research, please complete our online suggestion form:
301.2 Social geography, ethnography
301.45 Race, ethnicity and multiculturalism
320.1 Political Science -The State
325 International migration and colonization
325.3 Colonialism and postcolonialism
326 Slavery and emancipation
341.37 Human rights
347.133 Racial discrimination
The Library uses the Library of Congress and the Dewey Decimal classification schemes to catalogue and classify its stock and we are bound by the rules and subject headings outlined in these. However, we acknowledge that some of the terminology used in these schemes may not always accurately reflect current cultural references.
Just as this field of research is evolving, library classification schemes are beginning to as well, though there is more work to be done. If you would like to know more about this topic, you might find the following articles of interest:
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