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The Study Abroad Programme

Expert guidance from Study Advice at the University of Reading

It is important that you find out certain key pieces of information and be proactive in asking people if these are not clear. Some of the people you might ask are listed below.

The combination of modules and assessments you are studying is likely to be unique to you, so you can’t assume that everything your Reading classmates do in one module automatically applies in your case or even in all of your modules.

Top tip: You are likely to be going into second and third year modules, so your lecturers may assume that all their students already know things like the right referencing style and layout. If you are not sure, ask!

What to find out

  •  The combination of assessments (exams, coursework etc.) that you need to do
  •  The deadlines for your assessments – these can be different to your Reading classmates
  •  How to access and use the Library’s printed and electronic resources
  •  The referencing style(s) used in each of your different modules
  •  The marking criteria for your assignments
  •  Any other practical matters for assignments such as format, how to submit them 


Top tip: If you are studying modules from different departments across the University, check the requirements for each department as they are likely to be different.   

Where to find this out

You don’t need to know everything – just the right people to ask for the right information!

What to find out...
Who to ask
Further information

Information about the administration of your course e.g. combination of modules, assignments, deadlines 

Study Abroad Office

Your combination of modules will be unique to you, so you may have different deadlines and assignment requirements to your UK classmates even if you are taking the same module

Questions about the content of your modules and the subject matter you are studying

Your module lecturers

Your lecturers will be the experts in your subject, but do check when it is appropriate to contact them – they usually have office hours for seeing students or answer questions briefly after lectures. Seeing a lecturer face-to-face can be more effective than just emailing them  

The referencing style, marking criteria, and format for your assignments

Course and module handbooks on Blackboard

Practical information like referencing styles should be included in the documents for your course and modules. These are usually found on Blackboard. If you have looked carefully but can’t find this, do ask your lecturers  

How to study more effectively, find research materials, do the maths needed for your course

Study Advice – for effective study practices like managing academic reading, presentations, revision

Liaison Librarians for your subject  – for how to find books, journals and research material

Maths Support online guide – for the maths needed for your course

There are many services to help you develop the study skills needed for your modules. These friendly, professional experts will help explain the underpinning principles and strategies for studying in UK Higher Education 

Global Study Lounge

Students listening to audio on their computers
The Global Study Lounge is a multi-purpose facility that caters for both home and international students facilitating and supporting global engagement, multi-cultural awareness and intercultural communication. It provides support, advice, and materials for English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and Academic Study Skills, primarily for international and foundation students. It is located on the 2nd floor of the Edith Morley Building in room 230. There is space for independent and group study, socialising outside of classes, collaboration and communication, as well as cultural and social events.