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Library training and events: All students

This guide includes details of all workshops and events run by your Library team.

Study skills webinars

The Study Advice team run webinars throughout the year to support you with all aspects of your study. From revising for your exams to preparing for your dissertations, these friendly webinars are designed for you to get some tips from the experts and put your studies on track for success.

After attending a webinar, you may also want to book a 1-2-1 session with a Study Adviser to discuss a particular assessment or issue in more depth. Appointments can be booked by completing this simple online form

For those that prefer online resources, we have a suite of video tutorials and study guides covering all aspects of study on our Study Advice pages.

Our webinars and workshops count for the training component of your RED Award

Semester Two Webinars

Please ensure you are logged in to your student account before booking

For booking issues please email:

Week Date Topic Details Link to book

Wednesday, 12 February 


Writing up your dissertation (Part 1): Literature review  This webinar will focus on the literature review section of the dissertation. We will discuss the function of this section, key elements of its structure, and how to approach planning and writing it. Book

Wednesday, 19 February 


Writing up your dissertation (Part 2): Methodology and results In this webinar, we will focus on the Methods and Results sections of the dissertation. What are they supposed to look like? What writing strategies are appropriate for each? We will review the function of these chapters, ways to structure them, and what to focus on when writing up.  Book

Wednesday, 26 February 

2-3 pm 

Writing up your dissertation (Part 3): Discussion and conclusion  This session will examine the Discussion and Conclusions sections of the dissertation. We will discuss how to build on your research findings, place these into a broader context, and showcase your key research contributions. Book

Wednesday, 5 March

2-5 pm 

Dissertation writing retreat (in person) Global Study Lounge Edith Morley 230  Are you struggling to write your dissertation? Come along to this in person session which offers you a place and space to write, using known techniques to get you going. During the set writing blocks you can book a slot to speak to a Study Adviser and receive individual advice. You should be available for the whole session, and remember to bring your work and your laptops (or pen and paper) with you.  Global Study Lounge, Edith Morley room 230  Book

Wednesday, 12 March 

2-3 pm 

Breaking down assessment briefs and assessment criteria This webinar is designed to help you interpret and make effective use of your assessment-related information. We will examine different assessment types, how to identify and meet key requirements in your brief, and how to use the assessment criteria to optimise your work.   Book

Wednesday, 19 March 

2-3 pm 

Using generative AI tools effectively: tips and guidance When am I allowed to use generative AI tools? How do I use these safely and productively? We will explore and answer these questions, as well as offer guidance generally on how to use AI effectively in your work. Book

Wednesday, 26 March 

2-3 pm 

Understanding and avoiding plagiarism This webinar will review the key principles of academic integrity and some common mistakes that may lead to poor academic practice. We will then explore strategies you can use to improve the academic integrity of your work and avoid unintentional plagiarism. 



Wednesday, 23 April 

2-3 pm 

Using feedback to improve your grades  


This webinar examines the key role of feedback in academic practice. We will identify ways to access, interpret, and act on assessment feedback over the course of your study.  




Wednesday, 30 April 

2-3 pm 

What does it take to get a First?  This webinar will demystify what lecturers are looking to find in First-class work, and will help you understand some strategies you can use to move up into the higher grade boundaries.    Book

Wednesday, 7 May 

2-3 pm 

How to be critical Critical thinking is an important element of university study. In this webinar, we will explore the notion of critical thinking and identify key attitudes and strategies for becoming a critical thinker.  Book

Wednesday, 14 May 

2-3 pm 

Preparing for your exams With exams around the corner, this webinar will help you prepare for the weeks ahead. It will cover how to make an effective revision plan, considering when, where and what to study. Next week’ s session will compliment this by putting best revision techniques into practice. Book

Wednesday, 21 May 

2-5 pm

Revision Retreat (in person – Global Study Lounge Edith Morley Room 230) Are you preparing for exams? Need a dedicated space to focus and study? Come along to this in person session which offers you a place and space to revise, using known techniques to get you revising. During the set timed revision blocks you can book a slot to speak to a Study Adviser and receive individual advice. You should be available for the whole session, and remember to bring your revision notes and your laptops (or pen and paper) with you.  Global Study Lounge, Edith Morley room 230  Book


Take the pain out of referencing using EndNote or Mendeley

We offer help and training on the EndNote and Mendeley reference management systems to manage and create references. See the boxes below for details of our workshops.

Our reference management workshops count towards your Red Award.

For alternative ways to learn about these useful tools see our Managing references guide:

Reference management workshop times

Select from the following times. Just click on the title to book your place. In person workshops take place in the Library.

Kickstart your Masters dissertation workshops and webinars

Kickstart your Masters dissertation comprises four days of online webinars and face-to-face workshops, offering advice on all elements of dissertation planning and writing, from choosing a research methodology to writing a literature review. These friendly sessions are designed for you to get some tips from the experts and put your dissertation on track for success. 

When you book you will receive a confirmation email and calendar invite. You will also receive a reminder email the day before. Please cancel your booking if you are no longer able to attend. For any online sessions you book you will receive the webinar link when you book and in the reminder. If you haven’t received your invite link an hour before it is due to start, please email

Date and Time Topic Detail Location Link to Book

Monday 3rd March

11:00 -12:00

Managing your dissertation project The dissertation is a complicated process. This session will help you start to figure out how to structure and prepare your project, from planning your time and organising your tasks to dealing with setbacks and utilising feedback. Online Book

Monday 3rd March

12:15 -12:45

Digital Skills for Dissertations: Using Microsoft Word In this short session we will demonstrate some useful features in Microsoft Word that will help you to structure your dissertation document - and introduce you to training resources in LinkedIn Learning. You will find out how to discover training resources to answer your questions about the most useful features of Microsoft Word, when you need them. Online Book

Monday 3rd March

13:00 -13:30

Literature searching tips and tricks In this short session we'll look at preparing to search for literature. We'll think about identifying where to look, techniques for constructing a comprehensive search, selecting keywords, then applying search operators and truncation. Online Book

Monday 3rd March

14:00 -15:00

Getting started with your literature review In this session, we will think about the purpose of a literature review, and how it sets the scene for your dissertation. You will learn tips and strategies on how to plan and structure this chapter, and how to integrate your sources effectively. Online Book

Monday 3rd March

15:30 -16:30

Being critical in your reading and writing This session will explore how to develop a critical approach to your writing in your dissertation. We will also consider how each stage of the dissertation may require different ways of being critical. Online Book

Tuesday 4th March

11:00 -12:00

Matching methodologies to your research question In this session, we will consider how to plan and write up your methodology, with emphasis on how it addresses your research question. We will explore advantages and limitations of different methodologies, and how they can be used in complementary ways.   Online Book

Tuesday 4th March

12:15 -12:45

Digital Skills for Dissertations: Start using Microsoft Excel In this short session we will discuss some of the Microsoft Excel features that will help you to organise, analyse, and present data for your dissertation. This session will be ideal for new users. We'll think about some tasks you can complete in Excel, and where you can find additional help and tutorials using LinkedIn Learning and other online sources. Online Book

Tuesday 4th March

13:00 -13:30

Better than Google In this short session we will look at the best places to start your literature search, and then how to move on to finding subject specific resources. Online Book

Tuesday 4th March


Literature search retreat
This in-person session offers you a space and structured activities to explore different strategies for finding relevant literature to inform your dissertation literature review. We will guide you through different techniques and search tools to help you build an annotated bibliography of materials relevant to your topic with help on hand. Global Study Lounge, Edith Morley room 230 Book

Wednesday 5th March

11:00 -12:30

Pitch your Masters Dissertation project! Talking with others can be a catalyst in the process of developing a project and identifying your intended contribution. This interactive workshop is designed to help you clarify your research project and communicate effectively its significance. We will do guided activities on: how to pitch your project and inspire confidence; how to narrow down from a topic to a research question; and how to reflect on your role as a researcher. Palmer 108 Book

Wednesday 5th March

13:00 -13:30

AI tools for literature searching In this short session we will introduce you to some AI tools you can use for your dissertation literature search - helping you build a comprehensive search, identify key papers and create summaries. Online Book

Wednesday 5th March

14:00 -17:00

Dissertation writing retreat Are you struggling to write your dissertation? Come along to this in person session which offers you a place and space to write, using known techniques to get you going. During the set writing blocks you can book a slot to speak to a Study Adviser and receive individual advice. You should be available for the whole session, and remember to bring your work and your laptops (or pen and paper) with you. Global Study Lounge, Edith Morley room 230  Global Study Lounge, Edith Morley room 230 Book

Wednesday 5th March

14:00 -15:30

Endnote Learn the basics of using Desktop EndNote to manage references and add them to Word documents. Online Book

Thursday 6th March


Masters Dissertation drop in If you are now getting started with your Masters dissertation, Study Advice and your Academic Liaison Librarians may be able to share expert tips and help you be successful. Bring your questions along to our dedicated drop in. No need to book, just turn up for a chat at the Library ground floor area. Library ground floor No need to book!

Friday 7th March


Masters Dissertation drop in If you are now getting started with your Masters dissertation, Study Advice and your Academic Liaison Librarians may be able to share expert tips and help you be successful. Bring your questions along to our dedicated drop in. No need to book, just turn up for a chat at the Library ground floor area. Library ground floor No need to book!