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Citing references

Guidance on citing references for students at the University of Reading

How can your Academic Liaison Librarian help with referencing?

Academic Liaison TeamYour Academic Liaison Librarian can support you with:

  • writing references in the correct format
  • what information to include in a reference and how to find any missing bits of information
  • referencing unusual publications
  • using EndNote or Mendeley to manage your references

They are also an expert on finding and using information sources. Your Liaison Librarian will know about the sources listed in your reading list and many more that are appropriate for your topic, which you may not know about.  

Find out who your Academic Liaison Librarian is and how to contact them:

How can the Study Advisers help with referencing?

Study Advice TeamThe Study Advice team are experts on academic writing and other essential study practices. They can help you to develop your writing so that you know how to use references as effectively as possible to support your arguments and discussion. They can also help you to develop practices that will help you avoid plagiarism, like good note-making and record keeping, effective academic reading and successful time management.

Ask the Study Advisers for help on:

  • when to include a citation
  • how to use references to support your academic writing
  • how to get the balance between your references and your own critical analysis
  • using and evaluating web sources
  • general queries about formating citations and bibliographies in particular referencing styles
  • avoiding plagiarism
  • citing less common sources

...and any other referencing queries - if they can't help, they will know who can.

You can drop in if you have a quick query or book an individual advice session (usually 30 minutes).

For more details: