Presentations are a common way to share your ideas with your peers and tutors.
Learning how to give clear, concise, and engaging talks is not only a key academic skill, it’s also an essential employability and life skill. Presenting helps build your self-confidence and communication skills; and develops your identity by letting your voice be heard.
Expect to deliver and participate in presentations ‘in-person’ and online. The core principles of planning, preparing, and presenting are still the same for both modes of delivery but there are also some extra steps you’ll have to take when giving an online presentation. Download and take a look at Study Advice’s comprehensive Libguide on ‘Giving Presentations’. Alongside this Libguide, note the below points to help you prepare and get the most out of your online presentations, which has been compiled with the help of our Open Online Course team.
Before you begin compiling any slides, it’s important that you plan your presentation, just like you would your essay. It needs an introduction (telling the audience what you will be covering), a clearly structured ‘middle’ and a summary slide at the end.
You will need to take extra steps to prepare for the online environment, ensuring that it will work as you hoped on the platform you’re being asked to use. So do make sure you plan in time for the following checks:
As you would with a face to face presentation, do make sure you practise your online presentation, ideally using the tools that will be used in the online environment.
When presenting online there are extra considerations, as you’re unable to interact with your audience in the same way. You voice will carry more weight than it would in a face to face presentation, so speak clearly and slowly and do remember to consider the following:
You can help fellow students by being a ‘model’ participant, and following these tips: