Using a reference management system is vital when you do your final year projects, but can also help you create accurate references in your other assignments. EndNote is one such system which can be used to store references, and then insert the citation in your Word document, automatically building the bibliography for you in the correct style.
There are two versions of EndNote - Desktop and Online. Use the guide and videos below to teach yourself how to use Desktop EndNote to manage your references and insert them in Word documents. EndNote Online will act as a backup for your library of references if you set up the sync option.
The University has a site licence for EndNote which covers installation on personal computers. Go to the DTS Self-Service Portal to get the software. Note that you will need to have the full version of Office installed before installing EndNote so that the EndNote toolbar can be added to Word (it will not work with the online version of Word). You can install Office by logging in to with your University credentials and clicking on 'Install Office' in the top right of the screen.
When you have installed the software and create your library file. Make sure you save the file to the hard drive of your computer not iCloud or OneDrive, or to a location which is being automatically backed up to the cloud. The Applications area on a Mac, or the Program Files area on a Windows computer should be okay.
Important note for Mac users: If you are Mac user please be aware that once you have installed EndNote it won’t be obvious it is open as it won’t fill the screen until you create a file. Look for the EndNote toolbar across the top of your screen and click ‘File’ then ‘New’ to create a file. It will then fill your screen.
This guide covers:
Watch this series of videos to find out how to use Desktop EndNote.
If you are unable to view these videos on YouTube they are also available on YuJa (University username and password required):
The default Cite Them Right Harvard style available via EndNote has a few small errors in the way it formats references, for instance the closing bracket after date accessed for webpages is missing. Download our corrected version of the style:
Once downloaded open the style and go to 'File' and 'Save as' and 'Save'. This should save it into a location where EndNote can find it and use it. You will then need to select the 'Reading Cite Them Right-Harvard' style from the list of styles in Word (click on 'Select another style' to find it).
Mendeley Reference Manager is an alternative tool you can use to store references and use them in your assignments. It works well with PDFs, and has a web importer tool, but the references it creates may not be as accurate as those you get from EndNote. Use the 'Cite Them Right Harvard 12th ed' referencing style which is available via the Word add-in to format references correctly.
We offer workshops on using both EndNote and Mendeley. Book your place by selecting from the times displayed below. All workshops take place in the Library.