You might be thinking, "Okay, I've finished with A-levels or BTEC, now on to something new!" But studying in higher education won't be a completely new thing. On the other hand, it won't be more of the same either. Rather it can be helpful to think of your previous studies as a preparation for higher education that you will need to build on and develop.
You are likely to be doing many of the same things: for instance:
However, you will need to change and develop these practices to help you succeed at a higher level of academic study. Understanding how higher education is different will help you to be prepared for this.
So how is study at higher education level different from further education or A-level? What will your tutors expect from you, and how can you change your practices to meet those expectations?
You will be used to:
In higher education:
Academic rigour means checking and testing information to assess whether it is free of errors and is backed by accurate and appropriate evidence. It needs to be strong so that it can support your arguments - like making sure foundations will hold a building up.
You will be used to:
In higher education:
Whether you are writing about someone else's ideas or your own, you will be expected to support the points you wish to make with evidence, perhaps from your own primary research or observations, or from your reading. When this evidence is taken from someone else's work (a book, journal article or website, for instance), you need to provide a reference or citation to show the source.
You will be used to:
In higher education:
You will be used to:
In higher education:
This is because learning at higher education level is conceived as more than just a one-way stream of information from tutor to student. You will be making your own knowledge from a combination of teaching, discussion with tutors and other students in seminars, independent reading and research and lots of thinking!
Studying in higher education is a choice that you make. As your choice, you will be expected to be self-motivated and committed to your studies.
You will be used to:
In higher education:
However that doesn't mean that there isn't plenty of support available, both from your tutor and from other people in your institution. It's a good idea to get familiar with the sources of information and support that are available as soon as possible, so you have them when you need them.
You will be used to:
In higher education: