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ORCiD: ORCID and Funders

You may have heard of ORCID iDs but don't know what they are for or how to create one. This guide explains why you might need one, how to sign up and how ORCID identifiers are being used by organisations, publishers and funding organisations.

Research Funders and ORCID

Many research funders are integrating ORCID identifiers into their application processes and reporting workflows. So far 14 research funders from 6 continents have become members of ORCID.

For the funders, using ORCID iDs can help them process applications and then track publications, datasets and other outputs that result from the awards. 

For the researchers, using an ORCID iD can cut down data entry in applications and help in providing reports on the outputs from the research funding. It also enables the researcher to keep a record of all the funding that they've been awarded throughout their research career. 

ResearchFish - a service for the reporting of outcomes for research impact tracking - has also integrated ORCID iDs into its submission process. This will allow researchers to push data from ResearchFish to their ORCID record but also pull publications listed on their ORCID profile ResearchFish. Sharing data across platforms via the ORCID registry should save time and effort for busy researchers. A step-by-step guide on how to link your ORCID iD and your ResearchFish is available to download - see link below.

The UK Research Councils announced in late 2015 that they will be capturing ORCID iDs in the Joint Electronic Submission System (JeS) . Collecting ORCID iDs means that UKRI will be able to receive data from the ORCID registry that will identify articles published that arise from RCUK funding. This should cut down the reporting burden on researchers. UKRI will also be able to track the careers and publication histories of RCUK-funded researchers. 

The Wellcome Trust mandated ORCID iDs as part of their grant application process in August 2015 


Funder policies on ORCID

More information on Funders' integration with ORCID is available via the following links

Funders that require ORCID iDs

Major funders that require the use of ORCID iDs include: 

Research Councils UK
Wellcome Trust
US Department of Transportation
Autism Speaks (USA)
QNRF (Qatar)
SRC (Sweden)

Sign up for an ORCID ID

It is very easy to sign up for an ORCID iD

  1. Register for your ORCID Identifier in 30 seconds
  2. Add information about you - employment, education - and import your articles, books, grants, datasets and more
  3. Use your ORCID iD on your webpage and in your research and scholarly activities