Many publishers are now integrating ORCID iDs into their workflows. This has several advantages to the researcher.
You can link your ORCID iD to many journal submission systems such as Editorial Manager, ScholarOne, eJournalPress, HighWire's Bench>Press and some versions of OJS.
The videos below explain how to add your ORCID identifier to ScholarOne and Editorial Manager
More than 3000 journals already collect ORCID iDs from corresponding authors
Publishers already using ORCID
AIP Publishing
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) - publishers of Science
Copernicus Publications
Karger Publishers
Nature Publishing Group
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA - PNAS
Public Library of Science - PLOS
Royal Society of Chemistry
In November 2015, a group of publishers published an open letter declaring that they will require ORCID iDs in the publishing process for their journals. Signatories include The Royal Society, EMBO Press, ScienceOpen, The Company of Biologists, eLife, eJournalPress and the Americal Geophysical Union.
Publishers Wiley explain why an ORCID iD can save researchers time and makes sure that they get credit for their research outputs.