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Postgraduate Advanced Clinical Education (PACE) study support guide: 1. Home

Guidance and support for students following courses run by PACE.

This guide is for students studying modules in Postgraduate Advanced Clinical Education (PACE).

It brings together a range of support and guidance on study skills which will help you with your studies. Explore the links below or the tabs above for help on specific topics.

In this guide...

1. University jargon buster

2. Library resources - using the Library and borrowing books

3. Literature searching - sources and techniques for finding relevant publications

4. Plagiarism - information on University policies and guidance on avoiding plagiarism

5. Citing references

5.1 Using EndNote

6. Assignment guidance

6.1 Academic writing

6.2 Reflective practice & writing

6.3 Understanding feedback

6.4 Presentations

6.5 Preparing for exams & OSCEs

Students discussing their work