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Physician Associates: Key resources

A guide to finding information for Physician Associate students. Includes links to key resources and sources of help.

Use the databases listed on this page to find relevant information on topics related to your studies. They will give you access to both primary and secondary sources of information.

  • Primary sources - these are first hand accounts of research that has been undertaken and written by the researchers themselves.
  • Secondary sources - describe, summarize, or discuss information or details originally presented in another source. Books are usually secondary sources. As are review articles which summarise the current state of the knowledge on a topic (many databases allow you to restrict search results to this type of article). A more specialised secondary source is a systematic review, which uses the existing literature to try to answer a specific question, often including a meta-analysis of the all the studies included in the relevant articles.

Key databases

These are the major resources for finding literature and information. 

Drug info
Journal articles and systematic reviews

NHS Athens resource

Whilst you are on placement you may be able to register for an NHS Athens account via the hospital's Library services. You will then be able to make full use their Knowledge and Library Hub for literature searching and accessing resources. Even without the login you can search, but you won't be able to access the full resources via the Hub.

Key websites

Most of these resources are freely available. Those only available to University members have red icons next to the name.

Clinical practice guidelines

Clinical skills & knowledge practice

Drug information

Other useful sites

Physician Associates

General medical bodies

Quality assurance frameworks

Most of these resources are freely available. Those only available to University members have red icons next to the name.

General sources
Diseases & conditions

Accessing online Library resources

If you are on campus you will be able to access most e-journals and e-books, and some databases, without entering a username and password because your IP address identifies you as being at the University of Reading.

For any that require a login, see the Off-campus tab.

Terms of Use

When you use our e-resources you are agreeing to our Terms of Use. Please take a moment to look at these by following the link below:

When you are off-campus you will need to login to identify yourself as a member of the University of Reading to gain access to our protected databases, e-books and e-journals. 

Your login details

You login in the same way as for Blackboard - via Microsoft. Just enter your University username followed by (e.g. and your password. If this is the first time you have logged in via this method when off-campus you will be asked to complete a Multi-Factor Authentication. For more information see:

Getting to the login page...

  • For most resources, if you follow a link from our website or catalogues your login will be picked up automatically or you will be prompted to login straightaway. 
  • If you access resources via another route you will need to look for a login option once you reach the resource you are trying to access. Look for an institutional or shibboleth login option and pick 'University of Reading' from a list of institutions. This will then pick up your login or prompt you to login. For more information about institutional login, please see the link below:
Logging in to Library resources

Watch this short video on how you login to use Library resources.

If you are unable to view this video on YouTube it is also available on YuJa - view the Logging in to the Library video on YuJa (University username and password required)

Doing a literature search

This short playlist shows you how to prepare for and perform a literature search. The first video introduces literature searches and their role. The second video covers using the search operators AND and OR to create a search statement, and explains the role of wildcards and truncation in constructing a comprehensive search. 

If you are unable to view these videos on YouTube they are also available on YuJa or Stream (University username and password required):

We also have the following generic guide to literature searching and searching databases:

Planning your own search

Use the template below to help plan out your own literature search - identifying keywords and synonyms. There's also an example to help guide you and an example of adapting a search for different databases.

NHS Trust libraries

You might have access to additional resources via your NHS Trust library. For instance, they might have access to a wider range of medical-related journals than are covered by our subscriptions. Here are a few local ones.

If you are able to register for an NHS Athens account when on placement then you can make full use of this resource for literature searching and it will give you access to more medical-related journals:

Getting items not held at Reading

Map of the south of the UKOur Inter-Library Loans service can get articles, books and other publications not held at Reading from other libraries (usually from the British Library).

For more information see our webpages: