The primary method the Library uses to purchase materials for teaching, is through online reading lists.
Creating and maintaining your reading lists online, will also save you time by maintaining all your reading lists within a single interface, linked from Blackboard, and accessible to the Library. Your reading list can contain items that we have in stock in the Library, items that you'd like us to order, online books and journal articles available via the Library's subscriptions, and freely-available online material such as videos and blogs.
Raising student satisfaction with Library resources is one of our highest priorities – so send us your reading lists to ensure that...
Benefits of using an online reading list include not having to: upload revised Word or PDF lists to Blackboard every year; link to PDFs of scanned extracts; or send update lists to your Academic Liaison Librarian.
To avoid student dissatisfaction, please aim to publish your online reading lists by the advertised deadlines so your Academic Liaison Librarian has enough time to review them and order any new or additional copies of printed materials. Items not in stock can take several weeks or even months to arrive on the shelves.
Follow the link below to search for reading lists by module code or title, or by instructor.
Contact your Academic Liaison Librarian for advice on setting up and maintaining your reading lists online.
If you have any other questions about using online reading lists, please take a look at the online guide below or contact your Academic Liaison Librarian.
There are no funds set aside to provide for new programmes or modules. Formal consultation with the Library takes place as part of the procedure for completing Form A for new programmes. Please contact your Academic Liaison Librarian as soon as possible so that the Library can advise on resources needed and a plan can be created to provide resources for the new programme.
The Library will use your online reading list to order copies of items that are not in stock. We will also order additional copies or e-books if the likely student numbers indicate that existing provision will not be sufficient. For more information, please read the guide to online reading lists, or contact your Academic Liaison Librarian.
Time taken will vary, but allow 6-8 weeks for them to arrive and go through ordering, receiving and processing. We can process some books urgently if required and will try to fast-track essential course reading. Foreign publications might take longer to source and arrive.
If you have a query about a specific book order please contact your Academic Liaison Librarian.
If a book is needed very urgently, please contact your Academic Liaison Librarian giving a specific reason for the urgency e.g. the item is essential for a particular week. The book will then receive fast track treatment at every stage of the process. Please note that Items on a reading list cannot all be considered urgent, as the majority of our orders will come from reading lists.
To comply with University policy we must use approved suppliers for most orders. This ensures we receive the substantial discounts available from our approved suppliers. They also process books ready for the shelves, saving time when they arrive in the Library. We can occasionally order items from mainstream sources (such as Amazon); but there are transaction limits on purchase cards which limit the amount of material that can be purchased via this route.
When bookmarking items to add them to your online reading lists, use the 'Note for Library' option to let us know if you would like us to investigate e-book options for specific items.
We can purchase individual e-books via the aggregators or directly from selected publishers (e.g. CRC, Wiley, Elsevier). We can also purchase e-book collections. Not all books are made available online but your Academic Liaison Librarian can investigate options if you indicate that an e-book is required.
Many course materials can be scanned and made available in Blackboard. In order to comply with the terms of the Copyright Licensing Agency's Higher Education Licence this has to be done by the Library. Use the 'Request digitisation' option on your online reading list to ask for a scan. See Scanning course materials page for more information.
The Library subscribes to a large number of journals. Many of these are part of large packages, whilst others are individual title subscriptions.
To check which journals are currently available search the Enterprise catalogue. This will show both print and online access.
If a journal you require is not available, and you would like us to consider a subscription, you should contact your Academic Liaison Librarian. Decisions on new subscriptions are usually taken in the summer, with a new subscription starting at the beginning of the following year.
If you require articles for teaching you should use the Library's Scanning service to provide copyright-cleared versions instead of making your own scan, or getting articles from your network of contacts. You can request the scan via your online reading list (see the link to more information on the Library's Scanning Service below).
If you need articles for your own research, the Inter-library loans service can get them from another source.
The Educational Recording Agency (ERA) provides a licence which allows recordings to be made of television, radio and Internet broadcasts for educational purposes.
Free to air programmes, for example any broadcast on BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and Freeview channels (including Open University programmes) are covered by the license. These guidelines are adapted from the ERA web pages - for more information about how recordings can be made and used, see their FAQs page.
The easiest way to get this content is via Box of Broadcasts (BoB) - record TV and radio programmes or watch over 2 million previously recorded programmes, all available immediately. Box of Broadcasts (BoB) is a streaming service and requires an internet connection.
You can use the search feature in BoB to locate a specific programme, or programmes on a particular topic - if it has already been requested, you can view or embed in Blackboard immediately. You can also request that BoB make a recording of a programme that will be added to their database of programmes, and can be viewed or emebedded in Blackboard. Recording requests can be made up to 30 days after broadcase or up to 7 days in advance.
If you want to obtain a recording of a programme contact your Academic Liaison Librarian with the details.
You may access and download content from on-demand services such as BBC iPlayer, 4oD, ITV Player, Demand 5 and Clic (S4C) in a similar way to personal private users, and use it in your teaching. Making a copy of the downloaded content is not permitted unless specifically allowed by the on-demand service you are using - check individual terms and conditions. Be aware that the majority of on-demand content will only be available to you for a limited time - if you want to use it for an ongoing period it is better to use Box of Broadcasts (BoB).
Recordings can be retained indefinitely. There are no record-keeping requirements at present.
The best way to provide links to Library resources in Blackboard is via your online reading list. Links to books, articles and scanned materials are managed in your list, which is then easily embedded in your Blackboard course.
For more information on using your online reading list, please take a look at the guides below, or contact your Academic Liaison Librarian.
Although it is possible to add links to many e-journal articles and e-book chapters in Blackboard, we recommend providing links to e-journals, e-books, and other materials via your online reading list.
Uploads of PDFs may be prohibited or subject to restrictions. The process and terms under which an item can be made available depend on the publisher/supplier and the terms of our licence. Due to the complexities of this, we would always recommend linking to an e-book or article, ideally via your online reading list rather than uploading a PDF taken from a website.
If you require links embedded directly in Blackboard, these are the ways we recommend. Set the links to open in a new window to avoid off-campus login problems.
Linking directly to an e-book
Linking directly to an article
If the resource you wish to recommend to your students is not available electronically, Library staff may be able to scan this material for you, subject to the terms of the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) HE Licence. The CLA HE Licence allows for many, but not all, published print items to be scanned by Library staff and made available via your online reading list or a link embedded within your module content on Blackboard. In order to comply with the terms of the CLA HE Licence this has to be done by the Library.
Library staff will:
To present fairer, balanced academic work, it is important to include academic literature from around the world, representing all backgrounds. However, it can be difficult to find Global South examples from within English language databases with currently more Global North examples. This tab lists alternative search terms and strategies that might help us pick out Global South material. Use the other tab in this box to try useful resources and database features.
Definitions: Global South is a term currently used to mean countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Global North is used to refer to countries of North America and Europe but also Australia and New Zealand, with stong economies and influence.
Remember to include searching tricks as used in examples below:
Geographical terms
US/UK spelling and vocabulary
Be sure to incorporate in your searches different UK and American English terms and spellings, so as not to omit research from countries using one or the other language form. List alternatives with OR or insert a 'wildcard' or truncation term. Check the help on the database you are searching to find out if wildcards are supported and which symbol to use. For example:
Objective or subjective terms
Search for objective or even biased terms. For instance:
Decolonising literature searching, a detailed guide from Lancaster University Library, may provide further ideas
Databases with regional features
Gives references to journal articles, books, conference proceedings and patents in all subjects. Also offers extensive tools to analyse results, and measure impact for articles, journals and authors.
Use the Scopus 'Researcher Discovery' tab and limit by country of origin to connect with target areas and people.
Use to search across a number of databases covering a range of subject areas. Provides references to journal articles, books, conference papers, patents, research data and other materials.
Web of Science alows you to filter results by 'Countries/Regions'.
'Global south' resources
Use to find scholarly literature in sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities published in open access journals from Latin America, Portugal, Spain and South Africa.
If you need help with providing materials for your modules, developing your students' information literacy skills, or anything else Library-related, then please contact your Academic Liaison Librarian for advice.
The Library does not offer a course pack production service, but we can offer advice on what is permissible for inclusion in course packs under the terms of the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) HE Licence. The CLA has also published a Good practice guide in the creation of course packs (PDF) on their website.
For further assistance contact the following people: