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CentAUR: Search and Save

A LibGuide for the Institutional Repository CentAUR

Anyone can Browse or Search CentAUR. Select Browse to view the outputs in CentAUR by year, author, and division (Faculty, School, Department). Use Simple search for quick author, title, or keyword searches. Simple search is useful for searching for topics. The Advanced search is appropriate for specific or complex searches.

Logged in University of Reading users can save searches to be re-run later, shared, or set as email alerts to learn about the latest items added to CentAUR. You can also create and share lists of items.  

Tips for Advanced Searching

The advanced search option is the best way to conduct specific or complex searches.

  • The question marks expand to reveal onscreen help.
  • CentAUR retrieves the plural if a singular word is entered as a search term and vice versa - for example, “cloud” will also retrieve “clouds”.
  • Many of the search boxes have an “All of/Any of” filter which appears before them. Select as appropriate:
    • Any of = search for any of the words in the search box (equivalent to OR). This widens your search to return results which include any of the words in your search term.
    • All of = search for all of the words in the search box (equivalent to AND). This narrows your search to return only results which include all of the words in your search term.
  • For fields with a scroll through list (such as Schools/Centres), you can select multiple items by holding the control key and selecting the options your require.
  • From the results screen, you can use the “Refine search” link to return to your search, reorder your results, set up an RSS feed of your results, save your search and export your results.

Saving Searches

Saved searches allow you to re-run searches at a later date. Saving your searches is an easy way of keeping up to date with new additions to CentAUR that fit your search criteria.

Creating a Saved Search

  1. Log in on CentAUR (You need to be logged in in order to save the search)
  2. Using the Simple or Advanced search screens construct your search
  3. Click Search to run the search
  4. View the search screen results
  5. To save your search click Save Search at the top of the screen
  6. You can name your search, choose privacy settings, and set up alerts
  7. Click Save and return
  8. You can view your saved searches by clicking the Saved searches tab on the left side of the screen.

It is not possible to modify a saved search, with the exception of making changes to the timing of the email alert (if you have set one up). You will need to create a new search instead.

Deleting Your Saved Search 

  1. Log in on CentAUR
  2. Click on Saved Searches in the left menu
  3. Click the bin icon next to the search to be deleted

Saving to Lists

Lists are perfect for setting up a publications list for a small project or for collecting together a group of specific publications - either for sharing or for your own use. Lists in CentAUR have the following features:

  • You can add only specific items or all items from an Advanced Search
  • You can also add into it links (URLs) for items which are not in CentAUR
  • You can add to it or edit it at any time
  • You can share the list's URL or embed the URL into a web page.

To Create and Edit a List

You will need to create a list before attempting to save to one

  1. Log into CentAUR
  2. In the left menu, click on Manage Lists
  3. On your Manage Lists page add the title of your new list and click Create List. You can now edit or amend the following fields:
  4. Title
  5. Description. In the text box you can add a brief description. You can also add an image if it is already on the web, and you can refer and link to items in your list. Adding a description is optional
  6. Type. Select Internal if your list will only have items on it that are in CentAUR. Select External if you also want to link to external resources.
  7. Visibility. Private means that only you can see the list. Public means that anyone can see the list if shared with them or embedded in a web page. 

To Add to An Existing List

  1. Carry out an Advanced search (Click Search and then click Advanced search)
  2. On the results page:
    • either select batch list if you wish all of the results to be saved to your list
    • or click on the page icon to the far right of individual search result to add it to the list.

To View Your List and to Find it's URL

  1. In your left menu click on My Lists
  2. Click on the list that you wish to view. Your view will now match that of anyone's you have shared the list with. The URL for the list will be visible in the browser bar. It can be shared or embedded; people clicking on it will be able to see the list (as long as you have set visibility to be public).

Please Note!

You cannot add to or edit a list created by someone else.


Creating Email Alerts

Alerts are an easy way of keeping track of what is new in CentAUR. They can be used in a number of different ways. You can set up alerts to be notified about new items deposited for a particular School or Department, and staff may find it useful to have an alert for their own work so that they are notified when their newly added outputs are made live in CentAUR. These will include items added by themselves or by co-authors or Research Engagement staff. 

Creating an Alert

  1. Follow the steps to create a saved search.
  2. Select the frequency of the saved search alert email. Alerts can be generated daily, weekly, or monthly
  3. Choose whether you would like to receive empty alerts or only alerts that contain new items matching your saved search since it was last mailed
  4. Click Save and return.

Changing an Alert

  1. View your saved searches by clicking the Saved searches tab on the left side of the screen
  2. Click on the pencil edit icon to make changes to the name of the search, frequency of the alerts and whether to make the URL sharable (public) or not.
  3. Click Save and return

It is not possible to modify the search itself. 

Creating an Alert for Your Publications

  1. Make sure you select the Advanced search option when creating your saved search. This is particularly important if you have a common name.
  2. Input the name(s) you publish under in the Author/Creator/Editor field or enter your Reading ID in the Authors/Creators/Editors Reading ID field, and select the Schools/Centres you are associated with
  3. Run the search, save it, select the frequency you want to receive alerts, and whether you want to receive empty alerts
  4. Click Save and return.

Creating an Alert for Your School or Department

  1. Make sure you select the Advanced search option when creating your saved search. 
  2. In the Schools/Centres box select the relevant School(s), Department(s) or Group(s)
  3. Run the search, save it, select the frequency you want to receive alerts, and whether you want to receive empty alerts
  4. Click Save and return.

Exporting Search Results

You can export items from the repository into a variety of formats to create bibliographies, provide lists in emails and text documents, and save to reference management software.

Exporting to EndNote

  1. Create a new EndNote library for your exported items, unless you intend to add them to an existing EndNote library.
  2. Search for the items that you want to download in CentAUR. On the search results page, select EndNote as the export option from the drop down list, and click Export. Save as a .txt file.
  3. In EndNote select File then Import. Browse for the .txt file. Choose the file, from the Import Option drop down list select EndNote Import, and click Import.

Exporting to HTML Citation (For a Quick List or Bibliography)

  1. Search for the items you want to download in CentAUR.
  2. On the search results page choose the order that you want the items to appear in (e.g. title order). To do this select an option from the drop down box next to Order by results and click reorder.
  3. Select HTML Citation as the export option from the drop down list and click Export.
  4. Your results will now appear as a text list and the titles will have hyperlinks to that item in CentAUR.
  5. Copy and paste the list into a document or email.
  6. To return to your search results in CentAUR use your browser back button.

NB: CentAUR's output citation style is fixed. If you wish to produce a bibliography with a different citation style, use the EndNote export option. EndNote offers many citation styles.