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EndNote: Exporting from specific databases

Information and guidance on using Desktop EndNote and EndNote online to manage bibliographic references.

This page gives information about the methods needed to export references from each of our databases into a Desktop EndNote library. Most will use the Direct Export method but sometimes the steps for doing this are not obvious, so we have added detail where necessary. The box on the right below outlines the methods for adding references to EndNote.

Instructions for specific databases

Database name Export info
AACC International Approved Methods of Analysis Not supported
ABI/INFORM Collection (ProQuest)

Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button after selecting the references and click 'EndNote'.

Academic Video Online (Alexander Street) Direct Export - when viewing the full details of an item, select 'Cite' and then in the 'Export Citation' section select 'Download RIS Format'.
Academic Video Online (ProQuest) Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button after selecting the references and click 'EndNote'.
ACLS Humanities E-book Not supported
ACM Digital Library Direct Export
ACS Journals & Magazines Direct Export - only one record at a time. Click on the 'RIS' button.
agCensus Not supported
AgEcon Search

Download and import following these steps:

  1. Run your search and then select 'Options' at the top right of the screen.
  2. Change the Format to 'RIS' (note that the EndNote options don't appear to work)
  3. This will change the display into a format EndNote can understand.
  4. Open Notepad and copy the reformatted results into Notepad.
  5. Save the file as a .txt file.
  6. Import into EndNote using the 'Reference Manager (RIS)' filter.
AIS Electronic Library Not supported
American National Biography Direct Export - when viewing the record details click on the 'Cite' icon (a pencil) and select 'EndNote'.
L'Annee Philologique (BREPOLiS) Direct Export - select the '.ris - Research Information Systems Format'
Archives Unbound (Gale) Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' option and then 'Download RIS'

Import Filter. 

Click “Export”, make sure “EndNote” is selected, then click Export. When you open the .enw file it will open a “choose import filter” window. Select the “ArticleFirst (OCLC)” filter.

Arts and Humanities Citation Index Direct Export
ASHRAE Not supported
BankFocus Not supported
BAR Digital Collection Not supported
BCIS Not supported
Bibliography of British and Irish History (BBIH) (BREPOLiS) Direct Export - select the '.ris - Research Information Systems Format'
Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA) / Repertoire de la litterature de l'art (RILA)

Direct Export by following these steps:

  1. Select the items you want to export by clicking on the reference number.
  2. The number of selected records will be displayed at the top of the screen.
  3. Click on the three dots to the left of this message and select the RIS option and click 'Download'.
  4. Click on the downloaded file to import (you might need to open EndNote before doing this final step).
Bioline International Not supported
Biomed Central Direct Export - click on 'Cite This Article' and then 'Download citation'
BIOSIS Previews Direct Export
Book Citation Index Direct Export
Book History Online (Brill Online)

Direct Export - follow these steps:

  1. Click on the 'Download Citation' button.
  2. Select the references you want to save by clicking in the checkboxes which have appeared next to each reference, or check the 'Select All' box. 
  3. Click on the .ris option
Box of Broadcasts (BoB) Not supported
Brill's New Pauly (Brill Online) Direct Export - register for a personal account and then use the Export Citation link.
Britannica Academic Not supported
Britannica ImageQuest Not supported
British Academy Scholarship Online (Oxford Academic) Direct Export - click on 'Cite' and select the .enw format and click 'Download citation'.
British Cartoon Index Not supported
British Education Index (EBSCOhost)

Direct Export - following these steps:

  1. Select the references you want to save by clicking on the folder icon to the right of reference in the results screen. This saves them into a temporary folder.
  2. Once you have some selected, click on 'Go to: Folder View' on the right-hand-side of the results.
  3. When viewing the folder click on 'Export' on the right-hand-side of the screen.
  4. Select 'Direct export in RIS Format',
  5. Click on Save.
British History Online Not supported
British Library Newspapers (Gale)

Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' option and then 'Download RIS'

British Library Sounds Not supported
British Literary Manuscripts Online (Gale) Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' option and then 'Download RIS'
British Periodicals (ProQuest)

Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button after selecting the references and click 'EndNote'.

British Pharmacopoeia Not supported
British Standards Online Not supported
BUFVC Search Not supported
Business Source Complete (EBSCOhost)

Direct Export - following these steps:

  1. Select the references you want to save by clicking on the folder icon to the right of reference in the results screen. This saves them into a temporary folder.
  2. Once you have some selected, click on 'Go to: Folder View' on the right-hand-side of the results.
  3. When viewing the folder click on 'Export' on the right-hand-side of the screen.
  4. Select 'Direct export in RIS Format',
  5. Click on Save.
Database name Export info
CAB Abstracts Direct Export
Cambridge Companions Direct Export
Cambridge Core Direct Export
Cambridge Histories Online Direct Export
Census Datasets Not supported
CentAUR Direct Export
Chicago Manual of Style Online Not supported
Child Development & Adolescent Studies (EBSCOhost)

Direct Export - following these steps:

  1. Select the references you want to save by clicking on the folder icon to the right of reference in the results screen. This saves them into a temporary folder.
  2. Once you have some selected, click on 'Go to: Folder View' on the right-hand-side of the results.
  3. When viewing the folder click on 'Export' on the right-hand-side of the screen.
  4. Select 'Direct export in RIS Format',
  5. Click on Save.
Churchill Archive

Direct Export - click on the 'Citation' button at the top right of the screen for an item then click 'Export RIS file'.

Note that due to the nature of the documents included in this resource only limited information is downloaded and you may need to edit it.

CIS (Construction Information Service) Not supported
Cite Them Right Not supported
The Cochrane Library Direct Export
Conference Proceedings Citation Index Direct Export
Credo Reference Not supported
Current Chemical Reactions Direct Export
Current Contents Connect Direct Export
D&B Hoovers Not supported
Daily Mail (Gale)

Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button at the top of the screen and select 'Download RIS'.

Daily Mail Historical Archive, 1896-2004 (Gale) Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' option at the top of the screen, then select 'Download RIS'
Data Citation Index Direct Export
Derwent Innovations Index Direct Export
DETAIL Inspiration Not supported
Digimap Not supported
Digital National Security Archive (ProQuest)

Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button after selecting the references and click 'EndNote'.

Drama Online Direct Export - click on the 'Citation' button at the top right of the screen for an item then click 'Export RIS file'.


Database name Export information
Early European Books (ProQuest) Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button after selecting the references and click 'EndNote'.
Ebook Central Direct Export - go to the book details page and select 'Cite Book' from the left-hand menu. Click on the 'EndNote/Citavi' button.
EBSCOhost eBook Collection Direct Export
ECCO (Eighteenth Century Collections Online) Direct Export
EconLit (EBSCOhost)

Direct Export - following these steps:

  1. Select the references you want to save by clicking on the folder icon to the right of reference in the results screen. This saves them into a temporary folder.
  2. Once you have some selected, click on 'Go to: Folder View' on the right-hand-side of the results.
  3. When viewing the folder click on 'Export' on the right-hand-side of the screen.
  4. Select 'Direct export in RIS Format',
  5. Click on Save.
The Economist Not supported
The Economist (Gale)

Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button at the top of the screen and select 'Download RIS'.

The Economist Historical Archive (Gale) Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button at the top of the screen and select 'Download RIS'.
Education Abstracts (EBSCOhost)

Direct Export - following these steps:

  1. Select the references you want to save by clicking on the folder icon to the right of reference in the results screen. This saves them into a temporary folder.
  2. Once you have some selected, click on 'Go to: Folder View' on the right-hand-side of the results.
  3. When viewing the folder click on 'Export' on the right-hand-side of the screen.
  4. Select 'Direct export in RIS Format',
  5. Click on Save.
Education Research Complete (EBSCOhost)

Direct Export - following these steps:

  1. Select the references you want to save by clicking on the folder icon to the right of reference in the results screen. This saves them into a temporary folder.
  2. Once you have some selected, click on 'Go to: Folder View' on the right-hand-side of the results.
  3. When viewing the folder click on 'Export' on the right-hand-side of the screen.
  4. Select 'Direct export in RIS Format',
  5. Click on Save.
Educational Administration Abstracts (EBSCOhost)

Direct Export - following these steps:

  1. Select the references you want to save by clicking on the folder icon to the right of reference in the results screen. This saves them into a temporary folder.
  2. Once you have some selected, click on 'Go to: Folder View' on the right-hand-side of the results.
  3. When viewing the folder click on 'Export' on the right-hand-side of the screen.
  4. Select 'Direct export in RIS Format',
  5. Click on Save.
EEBO (Early English Books Online) (ProQuest) Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button after selecting the references and click 'EndNote'.
EG Radius Not supported
Electronic Enlightenment Direct Export - click on the pencil 'Cite this person' icon on the left of the screen and select 'Export'.
Emerald Direct Export - select the relevant references and click 'download RIS' at the top of the list.
Emerging Sources Citation Index Direct Export
Empire Online Direct Export
Enterprise Use the Online Search within EndNote after downloading the U-Reading connection file (see the 'Adding references to Desktop EndNote' box for more information.

Direct Export - following these steps:

  1. Select the references you want to save by clicking on the folder icon to the right of reference in the results screen. This saves them into a temporary folder.
  2. Once you have some selected, click on 'Go to: Folder View' on the right-hand-side of the results.
  3. When viewing the folder click on 'Export' on the right-hand-side of the screen.
  4. Select 'Direct export in RIS Format',
  5. Click on Save.
ESTC (English Short Title Catalogue) Not supported
EThOS Not supported
European Views of the Americas: 1493-1750 (EBSCOhost)

Direct Export - following these steps:

  1. Select the references you want to save by clicking on the folder icon to the right of reference in the results screen. This saves them into a temporary folder.
  2. Once you have some selected, click on 'Go to: Folder View' on the right-hand-side of the results.
  3. When viewing the folder click on 'Export' on the right-hand-side of the screen.
  4. Select 'Direct export in RIS Format',
  5. Click on Save.

Download and import following these steps:

  1. From the results screen, click on the articles you wish to add to EndNote.
  2. Click on the Display Options button in the top right hand corner of the page and select 'Full article plus indexing'
  3. Click on 'Save' and select Article Format from the options.
  4. A pop up screen will then appear. Save the pop-up as a text file in Notepad.
  5. Import this file into Desktop EndNote by clicking on File, then Import then file and select the correct document.
  6. In the dialog box select 'Factiva (DJ)' as the import option.
  7. The records should now be imported into EndNote.
Fame Not supported
FAOSTAT Not supported
Financial Times (ProQuest) Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button after selecting the references and click 'EndNote'.
Financial Time Historical Archive (Gale) Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button at the top of the screen and select 'Download RIS'.
Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Daily Reports 1974-1996 Direct Export
FSTA (Food Science and Technology Abstracts) Direct Export


Database name Export information
Gale Academic OneFile Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button at the top of the screen and select 'Download RIS'.
Gale Business Insights Direct Export available for all content types, except company information - click on the 'Cite' button at the top of the screen and select 'Download RIS'.
Gale eBooks Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button at the top of the screen and select 'Download RIS'.
Gale General OneFile Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button at the top of the screen and select 'Download RIS'.
Gale Literature Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button at the top of the screen and select 'Download RIS'.
Gale NewsVault Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button at the top of the screen and select 'Download RIS'.
Gale OneFile: News Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button at the top of the screen and select 'Download RIS'.
Gale Primary Sources Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button at the top of the screen and select 'Download RIS'.
Gartner Not supported
Google Scholar

Direct Export

To download one reference at a time to EndNote:

  1. Click on the three lines at the top left of the screen.
  2. Click on 'Settings'
  3. in the 'Bibliography Manager' section select EndNote.
  4. Save your settings.
  5. When viewing search results you should now see an 'Import into EndNote' link under each one, click on this to import into EndNote. 

To download multiple references:

  1. Sign in with a Google account.
  2. Click on the star 'Save' icon next to references you want to download.
  3. You can just to save them into your Google library or create a specific list for them.
  4. When you have finished click on 'My library' in the top right corner. If you have a specific list select that first from the right-hand menu.
  5. At the top of the list select 'Export all' and 'EndNote'.
GreenFile (EBSCOhost)

Direct Export - following these steps:

  1. Select the references you want to save by clicking on the folder icon to the right of reference in the results screen. This saves them into a temporary folder.
  2. Once you have some selected, click on 'Go to: Folder View' on the right-hand-side of the results.
  3. When viewing the folder click on 'Export' on the right-hand-side of the screen.
  4. Select 'Direct export in RIS Format',
  5. Click on Save.
The Guardian (Gale OneFile: News) Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button at the top of the screen and select 'Download RIS'.
The Guardian and The Observer (LexisLibrary) Not supported
The Guardian and The Observer (ProQuest) Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button after selecting the references and click 'EndNote'.
Hansard 1803-2005 Not supported (Hansard is also available as part of U.K. Parliamentary Papers (ProQuest) which supports Direct Export)
HeinOnline Direct export (journal articles only)
Historical Association Not supported
Historical Texts Direct export - After opening a publication in the viewer, select the ‘Download’ button and ‘Download citation as RIS’.


Database name Export information
IBSS (ProQuest) Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button after selecting the references and click 'EndNote'.
IBISWorld Not supported
ICE Virtual Library Direct Export - select 'Cite This' and 'EndNote'. Click on 'Download article citation data'.
IEEE Xplore Direct Export
IMB (International Medieval Bibliography) (BREPOLiS) Direct Export - select the '.ris - Research Information Systems Format'
The Independent (Gale) Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button at the top of the screen and select 'Download RIS'.
The Independent Historical Archive Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button at the top of the screen and select 'Download RIS'.
Independent Voices Not supported
Index Chemicus

Direct Export Not supported
International Herald Tribune Historical Archive, 1887-2013 Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button at the top of the screen and select 'Download RIS'.
International Historical Statistics Online Not supported
IOPscience Direct Export - click on the 'RIS' button underneath the abstract (it is not possible to select multiple references to download)
isurv Not supported
Iter Gateway to the Middle Ages & Renaissance Not supported
Jacoby Online Not supported
JCR (Journal Citation Reports) Not supported
John Johnson Collection (Chadwyck)

Import Filter

Add items to Marked List. Go to Marked List and select 'Download' and select 'Export directly to Procite, EndNote or Reference Manager'. When opening the file select the 'RefMan RIS' filter. Note: this is quite temperamental and doesn't always work!

Journal Archives (JISC) Direct Export - click on the Download icon top right of the screen and select 'Download citation as RIS'.
JSTOR Direct Export
JSTOR Global Plants Not supported
JSTOR Open Access E-books Direct Export
Kanopy Not supported
Database name Export information
Law Trove

Direct Export - One reference at a time. Click 'Cite' (the pencil icon, top right above the item details,) to see the Export Citation > Endnote option.

Lexis+ Not supported
Library Hub Discover (Jisc)

Direct Export - One reference at a time. Scroll to the bottom of the item details, Summary and Summary holdings to see the Export options.

Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (EBSCOhost)

Direct Export - following these steps:

  1. Select the references you want to save by clicking on the folder icon to the right of reference in the results screen. This saves them into a temporary folder.
  2. Once you have some selected, click on 'Go to: Folder View' on the right-hand-side of the results.
  3. When viewing the folder click on 'Export' on the right-hand-side of the screen.
  4. Select 'Direct export in RIS Format',
  5. Click on Save.
LLBA (Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts) (Proquest) Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button after selecting the references and click 'EndNote'.
Loeb Classical Library Not supported
London Broadcasting Company / Independant Radio Audio Archive Download and import using the 'Save results as' menu > 'BibTeX' . Choose the BibTex import Filter from the list in Endnote.
Manchesterhive Direct Export
Mass Observation Online Direct Export (although only brief information is exported, and not all items have the Citation / Export option)

Download and import by following these steps:

  1. Click on the 'Export' button at the top of your results list
  2. Select the check box next to all records you are interested in
  3. Choose Endnote from the picklist and cick on the 'Get Citations' button
  4. Click 'Copy'
  5. Open Notepad on your computer and paste the records into the file.
  6. Save as a text file [.txt] using the 'Save As' option from the File menu.
  7. Import into EndNote using the File menu > 'Import'
Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law Not supported
MedicinesComplete Not supported
Medline (PubMed) Direct Export - select 'Send To' and 'Citation Manager'.
Medline (Web of Science) Direct Export
Migration to New Worlds Direct Export (although only brief information is exported.)
Mintel Reports Not supported
MLA (Modern Language Association International Bibliography) (EBSCOhost)

Direct Export - following these steps:

  1. Select the references you want to save by clicking on the folder icon to the right of reference in the results screen. This saves them into a temporary folder.
  2. Once you have some selected, click on 'Go to: Folder View' on the right-hand-side of the results.
  3. When viewing the folder click on 'Export' on the right-hand-side of the screen.
  4. Select 'Direct export in RIS Format',
  5. Click on Save.
Database name Export information
Nineteenth Century Books from the British Library Collection  Direct Export - after opening a publication in the viewer, select the ‘Download’ button and ‘Download citation as RIS’.
Nineteenth Century UK Periodicals (Gale) Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button at the top of the screen and select 'Download RIS'.
The Observer (Gale OneFile: News) Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button at the top of the screen and select 'Download RIS'.
The Observer (Lexis+) Not supported
The Observer (ProQuest International Newsstream)

Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button after selecting the references and click 'EndNote'.

OECD Statistics

Direct Export

OED (Oxford English Dictionary) Direct Export
Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC Inernational Direct Export
OGEL - Global Energy Law & Regulation Portal Not supported
Orbis Not supported
Orbis Europe Not supported
Orbis M&A Not supported
Orlando Women's Writing in the British Isles Not supported
Oxford Academic Direct Export
Oxford Art Online

Direct Export

Only possible to export one record at a time. Click on the 'Cite' button which looks like a pencil and select 'EndNote'. The reference details will need checking.

Oxford Bibliographies

Direct Export. 

Only possible to export one record at a time. The reference details will need checking as only minimal information is transferred.

Oxford Dictionaries Although there is an export option for EndNote it downloads as text file and only gives minimal information.
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography

Direct Export

Only possible to export one record at a time. Click on the 'Cite' button which looks like a pencil and select 'EndNote'. The reference details will need checking.

Oxford Handbooks Online

Direct Export

Only possible to export one record at a time. Click on the 'Cite' button and select '.enw (EndNote)'. The reference details may need checking.

Oxford Music Online

Direct export

Only possible to export one record at a time. Click on the 'Cite' button which looks like a pencil and select 'EndNote'. The reference details will need checking.

Oxford Reference

Direct export

Only possible to export one record at a time. Click on the 'Cite' button which looks like a pencil and select 'EndNote'. The reference details will need checking.

Oxford Research Encyclopedias

Direct export

Only possible to export one record at a time. Click on the 'Cite' button which looks like a pencil and select 'EndNote'. The reference details will need checking.

Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law Not supported
Oxford Scholarly Editions Online

Direct export

Only possible to export one record at a time. Click on the 'Cite' button which looks like a pencil and select '.ris'. The reference details will need checking.

Database name Export information
Parliament Rolls of Medieval England Not supported
Passport Not supported
Past Masters Not supported
Perdita Manuscripts

Not supported

Periodicals Archive Online (PAO) (ProQuest) Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button after selecting the references and click 'EndNote'.
PhilPapers Direct Export
Physical Review Online Archive (PROLA) Direct Export
Picture Post Historical Archive, 1938-1957 (Gale) Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button at the top of the screen and select 'Download RIS'.
Political Extremist and Radicalism Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button at the top of the screen and select 'Download RIS'.
Project MUSE

Direct Export following these instructions:

  1. Click on 'Save' for the article you are interested in.
  2. Click on 'MyMuse Library'
  3. Click on 'Cite Library Items' on left side of the page
  4. Select the checkboxes for the articles you want to download to EndNote
  5. Click on 'Export to EndNote'
ProQuest Central Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button after selecting the references and click 'EndNote'.
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button after selecting the references and click 'EndNote'.
ProQuest News & Newspapers Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button after selecting the references and click 'EndNote'.
PsycARTICLES Direct Export
PsycINFO Direct Export
PTSDpubs (ProQuest) Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button after selecting the references and click 'EndNote'.
Publications of the Hague Academy of International Law (BrillOnline)

Direct Export - use the Export Citation link.

PubMed Direct Export - select 'Send To' and 'Citation Manager'.
Punch Historical Archive 1841-1992 (Gale) Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button at the top of the screen and select 'Download RIS'.
Database name Export information

Direct Export

To use the Export option you must login with a personal account, the institutional login option doesn't work. Once logged in, select the references you would like to download and click on the 'Export' option above the results. Choose the format 'Literature Management Systems'. There is a limit of 25 exports a day.

Routledge Handbooks Online

Direct Export

For single items click 'Cite' and 'Download Citation.

For multiple citations register for a personal account and use the 'Add to Shortlist' button to mark items. When viewing your shortlist select 'Download Citations'.

Routledge Historical Sources: History of Feminism Not supported.
RSC Direct Export
Sage Business Cases Direct Export
Sage Journals Direct Export
Sage Research Methods New resource - TBC
Science Citation Index Direct Export
ScienceDirect Direct Export - select the 'RIS Format'

Direct Export - after selecting relevant references click on the 'Download Results' button and select 'Citation (.ris)' from the File Type menu.

SciVal Not supported
Scopus Direct Export - select the 'RIS Format'
Screenonline Not supported
Screen Studies Collection (ProQuest) Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button after selecting the references and click 'EndNote'.
Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Burney Collection (Gale) Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button at the top of the screen and select 'Download RIS'.
Shakespeare Survey Direct Export
Sketch Engine Not supported
Social Sciences Citation Index Direct Export
Specify-it Not supported
SpringerLink Direct Export - one reference at time. Check details carefully as some fields may be missing or incomplete.
Springer Protocols Direct Export - one reference at time. Check details carefully as some fields may be missing or incomplete.
Statista Not supported
Database name Export information
Taylor & Francis E-books Not supported
Taylor & Francis Online Not supported
TDM - Transnational Dispute Management

Not supported

The Telegraph Historical Archive (Gale) Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button at the top of the screen and select 'Download RIS'.
The Times & The Sunday Times (LexisLibrary) Not supported
The Times & Sunday Times Digital Archives (Gale) Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button at the top of the screen and select 'Download RIS'.
The Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive (Gale) Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button at the top of the screen and select 'Download RIS'.
Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG) Not supported
Translated Texts for Historians E-Library Direct Export - go to the item, click on tools then download citations, then select EndNote.

Download and import following these steps:

  1. Add the records you want to export to the marked list then click on 'All Marked Records'
  2. Save the marked records as BibTeX, this will download a '.bib' file
  3. Import this file into Desktop EndNote using the 'BibTeX' import option. Note: this will only import the title and year of transmission.
Trismegistos Not supported
TVTiP: TV Times Project 1955-1985

Download and import following these steps:

  1. Add the records you want to export to the marked list then click on 'All Marked Records'
  2. Save the marked records as BibTeX, this will download a '.bib' file
  3. Import this file into Desktop EndNote using the 'BibTeX' import option. Note: this will only import the title and year of transmission.
UK Data Service Not supported
U.K. Parliamentary Papers Download and import following these steps:
  1. Go to citations and copyright.
  2. Select EndNote under XML citation formats. 
  3. Save the generated xml as an xml document. 
  4. Go into EndNote and select File then Import.
  5. Select the file from where you downloaded it.
  6. Select "EndNote generated XML” as the import option, click Import.
Visible Body Not supported
VLEbooks Direct Export
vLexJustis Direct Export – click on the share symbol then 'RIS (Endnote)'
Voice Not supported
Database name Export information
The Washington Post (ProQuest) Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button after selecting the references and click 'EndNote'.
Web of Science Direct Export
Web of Science Core Collection

Direct Export

Westlaw UK Direct Export (only UK/EU journal data)
Who's Who & Who Was Who Direct Export (click 'cite', then select .enw)
Wiley Digital Archives BAAS Collection Direct Export - click 'Citation Tools' and 'Export to EndNote'. Note that due to the nature of the documents in this resource only limited information is downloaded and you may need to edit it.
Wiley Online Library Direct Export

There are two versions of WorldCat: and WorldCat FirstSearch. Check the address on your browser (URL) to be sure which version you are using. allows Direct Export. Click on the “ button then select download RIS.

WorldCat FirstSearch requires you to use a filter. Click “Export”, make sure “Export to EndNote” is selected, then click Export. When you open the .enw file it will open a “choose import filter” window. Select the “Worldcat (OCLC)” filter.

Worldwide Political Science Abstracts (ProQuest)

Direct Export - click on the 'Cite' button after selecting the references and click 'EndNote'.

Zoological Record Direct Export

Adding references to Desktop EndNote

Direct export is the easiest way to get references from a database into your EndNote library.

  • Just search your favourite database and mark any relevant references.
  • Choose the EndNote or RIS export option when saving your references.
  • Click on the file of downloaded references and the reference details will be added to your library.

Note: this will not download the full-text.

See our Essentials guide or Desktop EndNote video 2 for instructions on using direct export (and other methods of getting references into EndNote):

If you are unable to view this video on YouTube it is also available on YuJa - view the Getting references into EndNote video on YuJa (University username and password required)

Unsure how to download references from one of our databases?

For information about exporting from a specific database, take a look at our page:

If a database does not provide a direct export feature it is usually possible to save the references in a suitable format that can be imported into EndNote. 

  1. Search your database and mark any relevant items (usually a checkbox).
  2. Once you have marked the items look for an 'Export' option. In many cases you can select the 'EndNote' or 'RIS' export option and save the file. 
  3. Open EndNote and import the references using the correct import option (also known as a filter) for the database you have used. If the correct import option isn't there try the 'Reference Manager (RIS)' or 'EndNote Import' options.

The import option will map the information in each downloaded reference to the corresponding fields in EndNote. Because the information in each database is organised in different ways, there is a different import option for each database. EndNote comes with a range of import options, others are available to download for Desktop EndNote from the EndNote Import Filters download site (see below).

Once your references are imported, open a couple to make sure the fields have been filled in correctly.

To find out which import option to use for your database:

Getting additional filters for importing references

If the filter you need is not included in the list provided with EndNote, check whether it is available to download using the link below.

  1. Search for the name of the database. There may be several different versions available for different hosts - make sure you select the correct one for the site you are using.
  2. Click Download
  3. Choose the Save option and save the file.
Saving your additional filters

Once your selected filter has been downloaded click on it to open. Go to 'File' and 'Save as' and 'Save'. This should save it into a location where EndNote can find it and use it. If you have any issues using the filter make sure it is saved in one of the following locations.

On your own computer
Save the file into the Filters folder in the EndNote program folder on your computer.
On a Windows computer browse to your Local Disk (C:), open the 'Program Files (x86)' folder, then the 'EndNote' folder and then the 'Filters' folder and save it there.  
On an Apple Mac computer go to the Applications area and open the 'EndNote' folder and then the 'Filters' folder and save it there.

For University computers you don’t have admin rights on
Save the file to your personal folders on your computer. This is in Documents\EndNote\Filters (you might need to create the EndNote\Filters folders if they don't already exist).

The EndNote Online search uses connection files to allow you to search a database from within EndNote and download into your Library.

We do not recommend using the EndNote Online Search to find references because:

  • it offers very limited searching functionality making it hard to refine your search;
  • there can be technical difficulties with the z3950 technology it uses.

Searching a database directly and then using Direct export to get the references into your library is the best method, or downloading and importing references if the first option is not available.

However, the Online Search can work well when searching Library catalogues. It is possible to use it to download records from our own catalogue this way. For best results make sure that your search is specific and well constructed - too general a search might retrieve thousands of useless records and it not easy to refine your search once you have your results.

Note that it also possible to search our Enterprise catalogue directly and select 'Export to EndNote (RIS)' from the Actions menu.

Downloading the connection file for our catalogue

If you don't already have the 'U Reading' in the list of Online Search connections you will need to download our connection file via the link below. 

Once your selected connection file has been downloaded click on it to open. Go to 'File' and 'Save as' and 'Save'. This should save it into a location where EndNote can find it and use it. If you have any issues using the file make sure it is saved in one of the following locations.

On your own computer
Save the file into the Connections folder in the EndNote program folder on your computer.
On a Windows computer browse to your Local Disk (C:), open the 'Program Files (x86)' folder, then the 'EndNote' folder and then the 'Connections' folder and save it there.  
On an Apple Mac computer go to the Applications area and open the 'EndNote' folder and then the 'Connections' folder and save it there.

For University computers you don’t have admin rights on
Save the file to your personal folders on your computer. This is in Documents\EndNote\Connections (you might need to create the EndNote\Connections folders if they don't already exist).

Please note that this is connecting to the Unicorn catalogue (which just holds details of the University Library books and journals) and not the Enterprise catalogue. It is also possible to download directly from Enterprise. Run your search on Enterprise and look for the 'Export to EndNote (RIS)' option under the 'Actions' menu when viewing your results.