EndNote Online is a web-based product which can be used to store references and use them in your work.
There are four 'versions':
We recommend registering for your account whilst on campus and connected to the Eduroam wifi or using a campus PC. This will give you access to an enhanced version of EndNote Online, which is linked to the University of Reading. If your account is not linked to the University you won’t be able to use the Online Search to add references from the Library catalogue or access the customised list of styles.
You will also need your login details when using the Word plugin to insert citations in your documents, so make sure you keep a record of them!
Direct export is the easiest way to get references from a database into your EndNote Online library.
Only a few databases offer a EndNote online/web export option - currently only Web of Science and EBSCOhost databases (such as Business Source Complete).
See our EndNote online guide:
If a database does not provide a direct export feature it is usually possible to save the reference details in a suitable format that can be imported into EndNote.
When you are searching your database look for a way of marking relevant items (usually a checkbox). Once you have marked the items look for an 'Export' option. In many cases you can select the 'EndNote' or 'RIS' export option and save the file.
Once you have a file in the correct format, follow these steps to import it into EndNote Online.
Once your references are imported, open a couple to make sure the fields have been filled in correctly.
For more guidance on using the Import option see our guide.
If you are not sure which import option to use for your database contact your Academic Liaison Librarian for advice:
Within the 'Collect' option on EndNote Online is an 'Online Search' facility. We do not recommend using the EndNote Online Search to find references because:
Searching a database directly and then using Direct export to get the references into your library is the best method, or downloading and importing references if the first option is not available.
However, the Online Search can work well when searching Library catalogues. It is possible to use it to download records from our own catalogue. For best results make sure that your search is specific and well constructed - too general a search might retrieve thousands of useless records and it not easy to refine your search once you have your results.
Our EndNote Online guide has a section on using this feature with our Library catalogue (note that you will only see the 'U Reading' catalogue option if you registered for your account whilst on campus):
Installing the Cite While You Write plugin for Word
To add citations to your Word document you will need to install the EndNote Cite While You Write plug-in, available for both Windows and Macs. This allows you to insert and format citations automatically in Word documents.
To do so, login to EndNote online and click the Downloads tab, then select either the Windows or Macintosh downloads from Cite While You Write section. Installation instructions, system requirements and download links are provided on the page displayed.
Using Cite While You Write
Once the plugin is installed you can search for specific references in your library and insert them into your Word document. The bibliography is automatically created at the end of the document. You can select from a short list of popular referencing styles, including the 'Cite Them Right-Harvard' style used by many departments in the University. It is not possible to edit or create your own styles in EndNote online.
See the step-by-step instructions on using EndNote with Word in our getting started guide:
Creating a stand-alone bibliography
If you are unable to install the Cite While Your Write plugin, or just need a reference list, it is possible to create one from EndNote Online.
Our EndNote Online Classic guide covers various ways of collecting references and then using it with Word to insert citations in your work and automatically create a bibliography.
We are no longer offering EndNote Online workshops as we recommend using Desktop EndNote instead. Please use the step-by-step guide and online resources, or contact your Academic Liaison Librarian for 1-1 help.
Your Academic Liaison Librarian can offer individual help on using EndNote online.
They can offer a tutorial, or answer specific questions. Contact them to make an appointment. The link below gives a list of liaison librarians for each department:
For technical issues contact Clarivate Analytics directly:
If your account is linked to the University it will revert to a basic non-linked account 12 months after you leave the University. This means you will not have access to the same range of styles and online search options.
To keep your EndNote online account active whilst you are at the University, you must log into EndNote online from campus every 12 months.
Updated July 2023
Yes - just follow the link below to the password reminder page.
Updated July 2023
Yes - by using the Sync option in Desktop EndNote. See our Desktop EndNote essentials guide for more information:
Updated July 2023
Yes, up to 2GB. Click on the paperclip icon under a reference to attach the PDF.
If your EndNote online account is synchronised with Desktop EndNote, then your storage is unlimited.
Updated July 2023
Yes, you can allow other EndNote online users to view and edit the references saved in your EndNote online Groups. This will not give them access to any attached files.
To share a group:
Your group will appear in the EndNote online accounts of those you’ve shared it with when next they login.
Updated July 2023
Follow these steps, although successful transfer is dependent on the actual package you wish to move to.
Updated July 2023
Once Cite While You Write has been downloaded, an EndNote tab should appear next to the View tab on the Word toolbar. If it doesn't appear initially, try running the installer again.
If you're using a Mac, you may find that the EndNote tab doesn't appear. If this happens, check that you are running the latest version of Microsoft Word by opening Word, then going to Help > Check for Updates. Further instructions and help are available from the Microsoft support pages
Updated July 2023
When you insert a reference into a Word document using the Cite While You Write EndNote toolbar its details are stored in a 'travellling library' associated with the Word document. When you update a reference in EndNote online this 'travelling library' is not automatically updated.
To update the reference:
If you've changed the first author name, year or title of the record within EndNote, Cite While You Write may ask you to specify which reference you're looking for. Just search for the author, year or title to locate the reference and then click Insert. Your document should then be updated accordingly.
Updated July 2023
Yes, a standalone bibliography can be easily and quickly created using all or some of the references from your EndNote online account, without needing to insert and format them in a Word document individually.
Updated July 2023
If you are using a (name, year) style such as Harvard and you want to include the author's name as part of the sentence - for example, 'as Chen (2021) states...' - follow these steps.
Updated July 2023
Updated July 2023
In the EndNote toolbar in Word is a "Bibliography" section. At the bottom right of this section is a small arrow. Click on it and a window will appear.
Click on the Layout tab. Change the Space after to 1.5 lines or double, as you require.
Updated July 2023
You cannot directly customise the output styles within EndNote Online, unlike in Desktop EndNote. However, you can make any necessary changes to the appearance of references in the actual text of your final Word document by converting your document to plain text. You should only do this once you have the final version of your text ready.
To do this:
If you need to add more references to your document go back to the original file, make the changes, and then convert to plain text again.
Updated July 2023